thirty-nine | warpaths and spilled secrets

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Ginny was peeved. There was no other word for it.

First Harry decided that he could just disappear without saying anything, and now Ron and Hermione think they can just do the same thing? What really pissed her off was that the professors were also acting like nothing was wrong. McGonagall stated that they were fine, but when she said it there was a worried edge on her tone, like she was wishing the three would just walk back into her classroom so she could stop fretting over them.

And another thing! She may be a year younger than them, but she wasn't a child anymore. For Merlin's sake, her first year a school she got possessed and nearly killed everyone...

She was marching up the stair to the boy's dormitory when Rachel Dare grabbed her arm. "Hey, Gin!" The other redheaded girl gave Ginny a bright smile. Her curls bounced as she stepped a few stairs above Ginny. "Where you headed?"

Michael and Dean pushed out of their dormitory door, but whenever they saw the girls they both entered the room again with wide eyes and their hands held up in surrender.

Ginny seethed, "I'm going to see what's going on with my boyfriend and my annoying brother!"

Rachel stepped in front of her again to block her path. "I, um, actually, I need help with a project. Can you come with me?"

Ginny stared at her.

She knew that these transfer students had something to do with everything, because Percy Jackson had disappeared at the same time as Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and Draco had been following Annabeth around like a lost puppy, the two had been working together on a 'special assignment' every class they had together. Now Rachel was trying to keep her from snooping in her boyfriend's dormitory.

Ginny narrowed her eyes. Yep, definitely checking now. She pushed past the girl. "I'll help in a second. Let me check it out," she said.

Rachel puffed out her cheeks and followed her into the sixth year boy's dorm. Michael, Dean, Seamus, Neville, and Jason Grace were all lounging on the beds. There were three bean bags in the middle of the room, and the quaffle that had gone missing from downstairs was sitting on Jason's bedside table with a note attached to it in green writing, and signed with a heart. Probably Piper. Everyone looked up as they entered.

"Hey, Gin, Rachel." Jason stood. "What's up?"

"Don't what's up me, Grace," Ginny said as she marched over to Harry's bed. On her way she tripped on a jumper that was lying on the ground in front of Ron's bed. She kicked it to the side and lifted Harry's trunk lid.

Rachel and Jason stood behind her, Rachel squeezing Jason's arm tight. The other boys gathered around.

Ginny rifled through Harry's things. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. His robes were hung neatly, as always, and even the plant on his and Ron's windowsill was watered and taken care of. She could thank Neville for that. His bed was made, which was normal as well. Harry always kept his area clean. There were some papers sticking out of his top drawer, but Ginny didn't go for them. With the quills also on the table, she figured they were assignments or such.

What was really strange was that Ron's area was clean. His bed was made, his robes were hung, his things were stacked. That wasn't normal. Ron was the messiest brother she had- and that was including Charlie.

Ginny turned back to the gathered crowd behind her. Rachel, she hadn't noticed before, was clutching a journal that looked a lot like Hermione's. On Jason's bed was a notebook that was just like hers- which meant it was Ron's- their mother always bought everyone matching sets. Ginny didn't say anything about it, but when Dean stepped forward, she avoided his hand and grabbed Jason's wrist.

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