fifty-seven | canoes and bowstrings

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After history with Annabeth and Rachel, they had a healthy lunch- which was strange, because the house elves usually put as much grease on the table as they could. Today's lunch was dried meat, almost cooked too long. Piper called it brisket. Hermione had never seen it before. Fruit platters covered the tables. Cheeses and sausages sat in the back, and rolls lay littered on the ground after the lunch period. 

While they ate, the demigods (who usually tried to sit with them and Draco) sat at what used to be a part of the Slytherin table, deep in conversation. None of them, not even Frank, touched much of their food. They all glanced around, like something was missing from the room. 

Nico and Piper had left earlier in the meal, heading outside. Hermione watched them from the window as they walked into the forest. To their little house or for something else, she didn't know. 

Now they were following the crowd, led by a Hufflepuff prefect that knew what class they had next. The armor and gear was almost too much for Hermione to carry, but she managed. Especially with Ron offering to carry everything. She didn't want to seem weak. 

They broke into the outdoors as Ron complained about how hungry he still was. Apparently, healthy foods didn't fill him up that well. 

Hermione was quick to correct him. "You're craving the hearty foods we usually get because you're addicted," she teased. "Fruits and cheese actually fills you up way faster and longer than anything we normally eat." 

Ron glared at her playfully. She grinned cheekily as Ginny smacked her brother's head. Harry chuckled and wrapped his arm around Ginny, keeping her hands at her sides. 

"Hey, Potter," Michael called out, "check it. We're going to the lake." 

Harry's head snapped to the water. Hermione hadn't seen him in action yet, and was ready to. Percy and Silena stood by the water, talking among themselves as they fiddled with several canoes on the water. Neither seemed to notice they were coming. 

When the group of older wizards stood to their backs for a few moments, Seamus whispered, "Do we let them know we're here, or..."

"They know," Harry promised, despite how the demigods were showing it. "Well, at least Percy does. He's got insane instincts." Which was part of being a demigod, if Hermione remembered correctly from Annabeth's lesson earlier. 

"Everyone fan out," Percy called over his shoulder. "I want everyone where they can see me." 

Everyone did as they were told. The Gryffindor kids stuck together, shifting slightly to allow the Slytherins into the huddle. Draco settled in next to Hermione. She smiled at him, and he returned the gesture. 

Silena turned to them while Percy messed with some rope tied to the first canoe. "Percy's in charge here. No matter what we're doing. Boats are not something to mess with, especially with what we're doing. People could drown. Easily. If you have questions, you can ask either of us, but I'm kind of just here." 

"Some days I'll be at the pitch, though." Percy got the rope the way he wanted it and turned to them, wiping his hands on his pants. "Which means Silena and whoever comes from over there, whether it's Luke or Reyna, is always in charge. Listen carefully, because some of this stuff can be tricky." 

"Percy will actually be gone a little more than sometimes." Silena rolled her eyes playfully. "He's working swordsmanship, situational, sports, and this. He'll be gone a lot." 

Percy smiled at them apologetically, but mainly at Harry. "I'm pretty sure Hazel will be with us in this class once she's done with gear handout," he said. "That'll give you help, Sil." 

The other girl nodded. They both turned back to the group. "Four people a group. Get by a boat." 

Canoeing with Percy Jackson nearby proved harder than they thought it would be. 

Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione did the best, even with Percy targeting them more. Probably because Harry did what he could to counter Percy's waves. Everyone ended up in the water at least twice, though. Hermione didn't think it was fair that Harry remained dry, but it was what it was. 

Percy yelled tips from the shore as he shot waves at everyone. Once or twice he made balls of water and dropped them on Seamus, Dean, Michael, and Neville. The boys would scream, only for the sound to be gargled.

The next group that got the brute of Percy's attacks was Draco, Beckendorf, Bianca, and Zoe. Silena rowed around on her kayak and helped people into their boats, but she was enjoying it way to much. Beckendorf pulled her in behind him once or twice, even if it got him blasted by Percy. 

By the end of the session, Hermione's hair was stuck to her face. She looked like a wet rat. Ron was scowling at Harry, who was playing with the water and dry to the bone. He smiled at them cheekily when Ginny shook her hair out like a dog. 

She looked around. Everyone seemed plum tired, even though it was just past lunch, but their eyes were excited. This was a ton of fun, despite the complaints they all kept shooting at Percy regarding their clothes, armor that weighed them down, and hair. This training thing could be fun yet. 

Silena directed them to where Nico, Frank, and Piper lounged in the middle of the field. They were laying on the ground, pointing at the clouds. About a dozen targets stood a few feet away, and quivers of arrows in a bucket. 

When they got to them, Frank sat up with a smile. "Hey, guys!" 

The others stood, Piper pulling Frank up with her. Nico grabbed quivers and handed them out to the first dozen wizards. Ron took his and hung it on his shoulder. Hermione quirked an eyebrow at him. "You look like you know what you're doing." 

Without looking at her, he said, "It's what Frank is doing. He knows this activity. I don't."

Hermione looked back at the bigger boy. It was true, he had the quiver strung across his back. He picked up a bow. Hermione hadn't thought that the demigods were training right alongside them. It made since, though, for them to be staying with their training.

Frank cleared his throat. "Okay, everyone! This is what you call archery. Some of you would have seen this before." 

Hermione looked around. She couldn't imagine anyone not knowing what it was, but there were multiple faces in the crowd that had no idea. Purebloods, she realized. Even Ron and Ginny looked confused. 

Hermione laughed as Draco struggled with the quiver next to her. She slipped it around her shoulders and helped the blond. 

Harry and Ginny weren't in the first dozen, so they stepped back. Ron huffed and fiddled an arrow. Without even looking at him, Piper called over her shoulder. "They're still weapons, Weasley, so I suggest you put it back in the quiver before I stab you with it." 

Ron slowly put the arrow back, knowing that, despite how happy she always was, she wasn't kidding. Hermione laughed again. The two boys on either side of her glared. She followed Frank's instructions, knocked an arrow, aimed, and fired. She was pretty close to the bulls-eye. Hermione glanced at all the others. Most stuck in the ground, almost feet from the target. Ron's arrow was tangled in his bowstring. Nico was struggling to help him without popping Ron in the face.  

Hermione smiled, proud of herself. Perhaps there was an active activity she was good at yet. 

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