Let's Talk About Percy Jackson and Harry Potter.

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For those of you who may have some doubts about Percy being a son of Tartarus in this fanfiction, you have to remember that he is THE SON OF THE FATHER OF MONSTERS IN CANNON: Poseidon. Whenever you think that he isn't a friend to some monsters, let's talk about this: 

Let's talk about Percy Jackson, who looked at his brother Tyson and his one eye, his incredible strength and skin that doesn't burn, and thinking this is my brother. This is my family. I'm not so different than he is

Let's talk about the Percy who fought another brother of his in the Labyrinth. He saw skulls and victims killed in the name of Poseidon, and then listened to his father, this god who fathered heroes and monsters and gods, tell him that he was his favorite. I want to know if Percy ever stayed up wondering what that meant for him.

Let's talk about Percy who can bring an ocean to the driest desert. Let's talk about Percy who accidentally caused the earthquake that released a monster that even his father had nightmares of. Let's talk about Percy who can breathe underwater, Percy who controls a sea that doesn't like to be controlled, Percy who creates storms that bring down ships and destroy lives. Let's talk about Percy who controls any liquid. Percy who controlled poison and scared even Annabeth, who knew him better than any demigod. Let's talk about Percy who is still so very, very young.

Let's talk about Percy Jackson who is the son of the Father of Monsters and how he has to wonder where that leaves him. 

Let's talk about what Percy maybe wondered. Did he ever look into the eyes of a monster and think that maybe, if things had been even the slightest bit different, he could have been their brother in more than just name? Did he ever look at himself in the mirror and wonder if there were any other humans or demigods with that shade of green in their eyes? Does he ever lay next to Annabeth late at night and listen to her heartbeat, thinking had things been different, had he not been raised by his mother, had he been just a little less human, had he not fallen in love, he would have been able to stop her heartbeat as easily as he did the tide?

Let's talk about Percy Jackson who is the son of the Father of Monsters and therefore a little less human than any other demigod he'd ever met. 

Let's talk about Percy, who probably looked at Frank, and thought I wonder if I could change my shape, too, if I wasn't so scared of what I might become. I wonder if I already did

Let's talk about Percy Jackson who saw himself reflected in the curses of the monsters he killed and thought, suffocating a goddess with her own poison: monsters and I, if we're the same, then so be it

Let's talk about Percy Jackson who looks like a Roman god. Percy who has an expression that makes it hard to tell if he's good or bad, who is a hero and a legend and still wakes up screaming and sweating most nights. 

Percy who has bled red for his entire life but still flinches when he gets a paper cut- will he bleed golden, this time, or will it look like sand? 

Percy who is the son of the Father of Monsters, who has a very, very human fear, even though he is not. 

I wanna talk about that Percy. 

For those of you who don't think Harry is a demigod, let's talk about this:

Let's talk about Harry Potter who grew up without parents, without family, without love. Let's talk about Harry Potter who must have been a little boy at one point, a young boy that still strove for the acceptance of the Dursleys. Let's talk about Harry Potter who, one day, just gave up. 

How old do you think he was when they stuffed him in that cupboard for the first time, as easily as they would an old coat? 10? 8? 5? 3? I think he was three.

Let's talk about Harry Potter who didn't have a home to go to on Christmas. Sure, the Weasley's gave him quite the home away from home, but having a place to go to that is completely yours is essential in a young person. Let's talk about Harry Potter who didn't have that kind of home. 

Let's talk about Harry Potter, the son of the Man Who Tried and the Woman Who Loved, who became the Boy That Lived. But lived for what? Harry wasn't sure. 

Let's talk about Harry Potter who had a row with his best mate and thought his life was over. Who thought he was losing everything he had built for himself; because he had to. Who fell in love with the girl with red hair and a fiery personality and reminded so many people of his mother. 

Let's talk about Harry Potter who was constantly reminded of the past, of things he lost before he knew them to be special. You look like your father, so many had said, you have your mother's eyes. Harry knew that. Do you think he wondered how many times those eyes had smiled at him, or how many times those looks had laughed with him? Do you think it was actually a countable number? I think it was.

Let's talk about Harry Potter who needed a family of people who knew. Not the Weasley family, not Remus or Sirius or Hagrid or Hermione. Not Luna, McGonagall, Dumbledore, or Snape. Harry who needed people who knew what it was to lose a parent, to not belong, to have your world turned upside down. Harry who wasn't given that in the books.

Let's talk about Harry Potter who had a row with his best mate and thought his life was over. Who wasn't so different from Percy Jackson, who thought the same thing. Would he, if given the chance, come back from Ogygia? Would he, if given the chance, do it all again? I don't think he would. 

Let's talk about Harry Potter with a lightning bolt on his forehead and never could hide such a thing, such a symbol of freedom and hope. Who tried, of course, while the others were sleeping, to make it disappear. Who caused more harm than he helped himself, obviously. He was no Hermione at spells. 

Let's talk about Harry Potter who wanted to be different, who wanted a world where scars were normal, who wanted to be not-so-extraordinary. Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, who didn't know what living was. Not until he was the son of the Father of Monsters, and wondered if maybe he killed one monster to become another. 

The one on Percy is not mine. I found it online, and it was a great inspiration for this story. So yeah, not mine, but the Harry one is. Love you guys, here's a breakdown on our boys.

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