fifty-eight | squids and eidolons

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The lake was calm, its water reflecting the clouds above. It was getting warm again, the breeze carried spring with it. Percy took a deep, calming breath...

And pushed Blaise into the water. 

The whole group of wizards squealed, launching back from the water. Percy laughed as the water rose at his will to pick up people on its own, pulling them into the waves. When no one's heads popped up again, everyone panicked. Which made this a lot more fun. 

Harry stared at him in horror, but when Percy winked at him it was like a light bulb popped above his head. He remembered the story of Percy and Annabeth at the bottom of the lake back home- he must know what Percy was planning. 

Harry and Percy took turns picking off the rest of the wizards. Harry's water swells were shaky at best, but he was trying. Percy smiled at him when he dropped his classmates into the water. 

Soon, only Ginny was left. Percy was trying to let Harry get his girlfriend into the lake, but Harry's aim just wasn't there yet- and Ginny was fast. 

She yelped every time he got close, but they were laughing. Percy smiled, and picked her up off the ground with a water spout. Harry pouted at him when he launched her into the lake with a smile. The redhead glared at him as she flew. 

Harry came and stood on the shore with him. "Air pocket?" 

"Air pocket." Percy nodded. "After you." 

Harry jumped into the water, and Percy right after him. They sunk until they hit a pocket, and Percy pushed them through. They fell through to the rest of the wizards, who were all marveling at the sight around them. Even Harry gasped when he saw. 

"I thought it was time you guys met him," Percy announced, "Especially since he's been watching you all for a while."

The squid sided up to the bubble. He waved a tentacle at them. Everyone waved back. "You know him?" Hermione asked. 

Percy laughed. "I can talk to all sea life. And horses." Ron snapped his head to him, and Percy shrugged. "Long story. Anyway, his name is Steve." 

"Steve the Squid," Draco muttered. 

The Slytherins weren't as appalled by the squid. They saw him sometimes, when he glided by the windows in the common room. Little did they know, the squid watched them more that they watched him. Percy couldn't tell them that without announcing the location of the common room, so he though he'd tell the Slytherins later that day. 

"Yeah, he's a real softy, too." Percy set a hand on the bubble's wall. Steve laid his head on it. Of course, Steve was bigger than the whole bubble, but it was the thought that counted. 

Percy began to float their bubble back to the surface. The kids laughed, playing around in their pocket. Percy smiled to himself, but focused on getting them back. 

When they popped out of the water, Percy guided everyone back to shore. He and Harry were the only ones dry, which most thought was completely unfair. They were attacked by hugs and splashes, but dried immediately every time. Draco rolled his eyes. Percy smiled.

"Get out of here," Percy called. Everyone began to shuffled to their next activity. "Go shoot some arrows or something!" 

It had been a week since they began the demigod training and the grounds seemed more alive. The air hummed with excitement. Percy didn't want to burst their happiness, but being a demigod wasn't all the fun and games they were having these days. 


Percy sat by the creek in the forest, his feet in the water, elbows on his knees. The trees rustled, their leaves starting to turn green again. Something tickled his toe. A minnow swam around him, nibbling at his feet. Percy smiled. 

A twig snapped behind him.

Percy was on his feet before he could think. Riptide was out, flashing, and Percy was in his fighting stance. 

Annabeth raised her eyebrows. "You're getting faster," she complimented. 

Percy put his sword away and opened his arms. Annabeth slid into them. They hadn't seen each other in two days, with their duties being so different, and Percy had felt the emptiness beside him more and more as the hours passed. She felt familiar and warm. Percy kissed the top of her head. It's like he could feel her smiling. 

She pulled back a little, stood on her tiptoes, and kissed him. "I missed you," she muttered when they pulled away. 

He hummed, trying to pull her against him again. Annabeth giggled. "How have your classes been?" 

Percy laid his chin on the top of her head. Annabeth gave in and wrapped her arms back around his middle. She repeated the question. He hummed again. 

Annabeth groaned and buried her face deeper into his chest. "Fine, if you wanna play that game." Her voice was muffled. 

She grabbed his shirt collar and yanked him toward her. Percy's yelp was muffled when she kissed him harder than she had before. He laughed against her and pulled her closer. 

She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled. Percy kissed her cheek, her neck, her collarbone. She ran a hand through his hair and laughed again. His hands raked her stomach, her sides, her back, her shoulders. She found his lips again. Percy couldn't remember where they were. His hands found hers on his chest. 

It was short lived. Annabeth pulled away, taking a few steps back as if being close to Percy would cloud her judgement. He pouted. Annabeth tutted, "I only had a few minutes, Seaweed Brain. Dumbledore wants a report tonight. Reyna and I have to be there. " 

Percy groaned, reaching for her. She stepped back again. "He can't always have you guys. He has to share. I'm sure Blaise misses Reyna, too." 

Annabeth smiled knowingly. "And I miss you," she promised. "But some things are more important than you right now." Her words took a playful tone. 

Percy rolled his eyes. "Nothing is more important than me," he explained. 

Annabeth laughed, then smiled proudly. "I heard about your lesson today at the lake. Sorry we stole Silena for the day, but you handled it very well on your own." 

Percy cocked an eyebrow. "Did you doubt me? Who told you?" 


"Who would've guessed." 

Annabeth shook her finger. "Be nice." 

"I am!" Percy's hands flew up in mock surrender. "It's true!" 

Annabeth stepped forward and settled into his arms for a moment more. "I have to go." 

He kissed her head again. "Then go." 

Annabeth gave him one more squeeze and walked back the way she came with a wave over her shoulder. Percy waved back as she went, and settled back into the water. 

Though he didn't have any injuries to heal, he sat in the water frequently recently. Percy figured it was because his mind needed healing, not his body. He was willing to settle down for a few days if it meant he could figure all of this out. 

Son of Tartarus

The voices echoed. Percy popped up faster than he had before, Riptide once again out, but there was nothing to strike. There wouldn't be, and he knew it. He knew those voices, too. They were the same voices that had almost driven him and Jason into killing each other. The same voices that made Leo fire on the Romans. 


Our armies are ready. The voices dove through the trees from every direction. Percy whipped back and forth with no use. 

Are yours?

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