|alternate realities|

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So... here are some edited out, deleted, and reworked ACTUAL SCENES! 

These are parts of the book originally, before I took them out or changed how things happened. These are small things that probably would have broken your hearts, or made you laugh. Most were sad, though. Some will make no sense whatsoever because I changed the storyline, some you may wish had been kept. But these are some alternate realities of Heroes at Hogwarts!


Jason panicked as Percy let out a shaky breath. He muttered, "You Greeks have always had it worse than us."

Percy attempted a smile. "Is it that obvious?"

Silent, Beckendorf, Bianca, and Zoe all stood over them. Ethan knelt down at Percy's side.

"You're not dying on us, Jackson. Not after everything." He helped Jason keep pressure on the wound.

Jason looked at their surroundings. Couldn't Hazel run any faster? Where they that far from the castle? Had she gotten lost?

Silena let out a strangled sob. "Hey, how's Annabeth? I'm sure she'd kill you if you let yourself die now, Percy."

"And Estelle," Beckendorf added, "life's looking up, man."

Jason looked around at the deceased Greeks standing around him. He hadn't trusted them, but Percy looked to them for help right now more than ever. Jason couldn't imagine losing so many people, just to lose them again. 

Bianca reached for his hand and squeezed it. "I'm so sorry, Percy. I know this wasn't easy for you. But you need to think about everyone else, that's what's going to save you."

Zoe knelt down as well. "Woman up, Jackson." She smiled sadly. "I didn't evaporate into stars for you to die at 18."

Percy let out a laugh that died in his throat. Jason and Ethan pressed down on the wound harder, and Jason wondered how he and Percy ever fought. Percy wasn't even supposed to be out here, he was following Jason who was going on patrol. He'd saved the son of Zeus's life.

Not for free, though. Not for free at all.

"Hurry!" Hazel's voice came around the bend.

Will and Hazel broke in the clearing with Madam Pomfrey on their heels. When Will dropped to the floor and cleared everyone away, Madam Pomfrey tried to get him to back away as well.

"No," Will snapped. "This boy is my brother, and I am a son of Apollo. Hand me your bag." 


Percy was banging on the glass with his fists. The blond man with the scar kept dragging Annabeth away. She was screaming and kicking and yelling for Percy, but the boy's eyes reminded Harry of Sirius' when Bellatrix had hit him; he'd given up.

A jar appeared, on the ground between the two boys. Percy stumbled back like he'd been punched. Harry gazed at the jar. It was tempting to open it. Something seemed to be begging him to. Something was trapped in there.

Percy reached for it first. Rachel Dare lunged between him and the jar, screaming something in another language Harry didn't understand at first, but it registered moments later. "No, Percy! Stop!" 


"People don't like to be locked up! Harry yelled, rounding on Dumbledore.

Nico di Angelo tried to pull him back. "We know, Harry."

Harry fought against the shorter boy instead. "Then why is he trapped in there?"

Annabeth was pacing, hands in hair, and Zoe was slumped against the wall, clearly unconscious.

Harry didn't know what he'd walked into, but Charles was banging on the walls and pounding his shoulder against the door and no one was doing anything about it.


"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?" Harry chuckled and wiped water from his face.

"Actually," Percy deadpanned, "what doesn't kill you comes back to kill you later."

Harry stared at him. "Could you be a little less depressing?"

Luke laughed.


(Originally, the demigods were going to hide their relationships from the wizards. Glad I cut that detail!)

Harry burst into the room, glasses askew and eyes wide. "Ha! You two are snogging!"

Annabeth never did glance up from Hogwarts: A History, but nodded to Percy. "I wish you would have told me, Jackson, I would have put my book down."

Percy shrugged at Harry, like sorry man, guess not, and returned his focus to the pen he was fiddling with. 

Harry huffed. Percy had helped him and Ginny get together, and Harry just wanted to help his friend. He could tell Percy liked Annabeth- they always looked at each other like the sun and the moon. 

But Annabeth was proving more difficult than he'd originally planned, and Percy wasn't really trying that hard to follow along with Ron and Harry's plans. Like just now, Percy was supposed to make his move. Instead, Annabeth was reading and Percy was playing with that pen he always seemed to have.


Harry's mouth dropped open. 

Good news was good news, but why Percy would turn Annabeth around and plant his lips on hers just because Hagrid had found a crescent moon necklace didn't make sense to Harry. 

What else didn't make sense was that instead of slapping him like Harry expected, Annabeth just latched her arms around Percy's neck and kissed him back while laughing a little. 

Piper cleared her throat. The two released each other, and Percy went red. Frank jabbed him in the ribs. 

"Oops," Annabeth muttered. Rachel Dare busted out laughing. 

"Um, what? Excuse me?" Ron pointed between the two. "What was that?" 

"I, um, kissed my girlfriend," Percy mumbled. 

"Your what?" Harry sputtered. 

"His girlfriend," Annabeth confirmed. 

"Since when?" Ginny shrieked. 

"Since his sixteenth birthday," Jason said, smirking. 

"Anything else you want to tell us?" Hermione asked them jokingly. 

What surprised all of them was Piper jumping onto Jason and kissing him, Leo and Calypso kissing each other's cheeks, Frank and Hazel's suddenly conjoined hands, and Will and Nico slinging their arms over each other. 

Harry choked on his breath. "She was kidding!"


When Harry finally did arrive at breakfast, Annabeth was roaring on about her hair; which was pink, and not the strangest thing Harry had seen that day.

Harry glanced across the table at the envelope the twins had received; yellowed, rough paper folded muggle-style with lined spiral paper Harry used to use at school stuffed inside.

Fred's brow creased, and he read aloud, "Dear Fred and George, you guys are our heroes. From, the Stoll brothers."

George spoke with his voice muffled from muffins- "Who?"

Will snatched the letter from them, and Harry could swear he rolled his eyes. "No one."

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