sixty-two | departures and letters

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Ginny wanted to scream. She wanted to cry. She wanted to punch something. Preferably her stupid, hero-complex set, runaway boyfriend, if she ever saw him again. 

Harry was gone. All she got was a stupid note- two notes, actually, one from Annabeth and one from Harry. She'd been thankful Annabeth left one. She'd wanted to rip Harry's to shreds when she found it. 


I suck at writing. Everyone knows this, and I'm also super dramatic, which I know you know. I guess I really just want to say that I love you, that I'm sorry, and I never wanted to leave you like this. Percy was right, though- I don't belong here anymore. I'm not like any of you, and if something were to happen to the school because I attract crazy monsters, I would never forgive myself. 
Tell your family that I love them. Tell our friends, too, especially Ron and Hermione. I'm sorry I ran away again. You're probably used to it by now. 


He'd even drawn a heart doodle next to her name. Harry had always been one for running off and trying to save her from harm, but he'd never taken it this far. When the other demigods showed up earlier that day, Ginny and Hermione had thought that meant they would all be staying. Long enough to form a lasting relationship with the camps they were from and the wizarding world. Turns out they were just as good at running away as Harry. 

She was angry with Percy for putting the idea into his head, but she knew she couldn't blame the older boy. He was Harry's brother, after all, and wanted what was best for him. If going to America and being with a camp of demigods was what would be best for Harry Potter, Ginny figured she needed to let him be. 

That didn't help her temper, though, so she'd stuffed the letter into her pillowcase, hoping to never see it again. She didn't wan to tear it to pieces, not if it truly was the last thing he ever gave her. 

Annabeth's letter calmed her down, but only enough for her to realize that Hermione was sitting on the bunk next to her, watching her read the to scraps of paper. The bushy haired girl looked worried, but Ginny didn't ease her friend just yet. 

Gin and Hermione

I'm so sorry we've taken Harry back with us. Camp Half-Blood is my home, though, and the safest place on Earth for someone like us. He'll be safe.
When all of this is over and done with, and Harry has better control over his powers, I will try to get him back here. Percy and I promise you, we will try with everything in our power to let him see you all again. 
On the other hand, please tell McGonagall that I'm sorry we've left so crudely. I believe it was the only way to. We've taken Voldemort with us, to study and rid of all traces of Greek magic. Then he'll just be another dark wizard again. And hopefully, dead for good. 
I'll keep in touch, but Harry won't know about our contact. He was devastated when we told him he couldn't bring you all along, or visit, but he tried to hide it. I know he's trying to be strong, because he thinks he has to be. If anything big happens with him, I'll let you know. 


She'd addressed it to both girls, but left it on Ginny's bed with Harry's note. Ginny jabbed the letter in Hermione's direction, eyes watering and head turned away. 

When Hermione had finished reading, she asked, "And what was the other letter?" 

She didn't seem surprised the demigods had left. Maybe she'd seen it coming, or heard them chatting about it. Either way, they'd have to go and find Ron and Blaise soon enough. The two boys were out looking for their missing friends. The girls had only come up here to grab a snack and a quick nap. Ginny hadn't even known Harry had left until she saw two pieces of parchment on her bed. 

"From Harry," Ginny scoffed, "he's sorry."

"Of course he is, Gin." Hermione's voice was soft. "He loves you." 

Ginny couldn't help the rage building up in her stomach or the tears now spilling from her eyes. "We're never going to see him again, 'Mione, and he just leaves? Just like that?" 

"We're going to see him again, Gin, Annabeth said-"

"I don't give a shit what Annabeth said. He's probably not going to come back. Once he get another life there...he's not going to come back and see us. We'll just be the past of another life." 

"Ginny, he loves you and he loves us. I have faith in him." Hermione stood and set a hand on Ginny's shoulder. "I'm going to find the boys, and talk to McGonagall. You need to rest. You're just stressed." 

Ginny didn't answer her. Hermione left the room after a long silence, her lips pursed. Ginny didn't understand how Hermione could just accept that Harry ran anywhere he thought he was needed, anywhere he thought he could make a difference. There were some things he needed to trust others to handle. It was his worst quality. 

She threw her pillow. She threw her books from her nightstand. She threw her shoes from her feet and cracked the window overlooking the quidditch pitch. She threw her broom, hating the memories it brought. She knew she'd regret it later, but right now she wanted to curl up in bed and cry for the next month, but she also wanted to chase him down just to smack some sense into him. 

Instead, she put her shoes back on and walked down the the common room, mind and eyes blank.

The other fifth years were at the table working on something. Schoolwork hadn't seemed important to Ginny since she got involved in all of these demigod shenanigans, and the professors hadn't been adamant about her turning anything in as long as Dumbledore accounted for her time. 

Hermione had Ron, Seamus, Neville, and Dean in one of the corners. Ron's head was in his hands. The other boys looked quite annoyed, but what struck Ginny most was the lack of Michael Yew and Bianca di Angelo. Looks like the two had taken off with the half-bloods after all. Ginny was willing to bet that Beckendorf, Silena, Zoe, and Ethan had as well. 

She made her way over to them. 

"Hey, Gin." Dean nodded. He looked sympathetic, but a fire burned in his eyes. Ginny was aware of Dean's threat to Harry, that if he happened to hurt her, Dean would hurt him. She almost laughed at the thought of Harry Potter ever hurting her. 

"Hey, guys," she greeted everyone with a nod in return. 

Ron looked up at her with worry. "Did he say anything in his letter? Anything at all as to where this camp would be? We can go and get him, maybe talk to him..."

Ginny snorted. "He made his decision." 

The boys turned to her in shock. Neville set down the potted plant he was holding. "Ginny-"

Ginny laughed humorlessly. "I'm going to pick up some work I missed during the worthless time we spent helping them all.  Anyone care to join me?" 

Ron stood, face red. "What are you talking about? Ginny, Harry has done so much for-"

"For what? For the school? For the wizarding world? I don't care. He's always going to run towards the danger and away from the people who care about him. Every time. I'm not going to be that person any more." 

Once upon a time, Harry kissed her on a broomstick. Once upon a time, Ginny  found him playing chess alone in the common room at night. Once upon a time, they would snuggle up in front of the fire. Once upon a time, they chased each other with balloons filled with water in this room. Once upon a time, he told her he loved her. Once upon a time, she told him she loved him. 

Now, Ginny Weasley wanted nothing to do with Harry Potter and his disability to turn away from a war zone. Now, Ginny Weasley wanted nothing to do with Harry Potter at all, not even in her memories. 

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