Oneshots 2.1

245 10 28

Abuse: Part Two

"Alright. What's going on?"

Jared bites his lip and looks down. He isn't ready to tell anyone about the abuse and his parents would probably hate him even more than they already do.

"I-I tripped and fell down the stairs." He says, glancing around the room and running his fingers through his hair.

"Jared, you can't lie to us. We know what you do when you lie." Jeremy says. Jared purses his lips and clenches his fists.

"Fine." He mutters. "My parents hate me. They hate me and always have." The group gives him a worried look.

"What else...?" Michael asks softly. Jared takes a breath.

Am I really gonna do this? He thinks.



"They... They're really abusive." Jared's voice cracks back to his female voice for a moment before he fixes it. He feels himself tear up. "Th-they... They b-burn me and whip me and cut me and b-bruise me and c-call me the wr-wrong name." He chokes out. The rest of the group sits there in shock but Jared doesn't look up. He's too terrified that if he does, his parents would be there, hearing the whole thing. "Th-they blame m-my twin sisters s-suicide on m-me and t-try to get me to c-commit s-suicide... A-and they a-always s-say they sh-should've aborted me."

"Oh my god..." Michael whispers. Jared wipes his eyes and continues.

"Maybe th-they should've. Th-then I w-wouldn't be living th-this sh-shit life." He sobs and puts his head in his hands. The group immediately hugs him.

"Then you wouldn't have met us," Jenna says. The rest of the group agrees and Jared looks up at them finally.

"Y-you're not m-mad at me...?" He whimpers. The group stares at him.

"No, of course not. Why would we be mad at you?" Jake asks. Jared looks down.

"W-well because I k-kept it from you for s-so long and I n-never even b-brought it up or anything and m-my parents w-would be m-mad if I kept s-something from them. I'm talking too much again aren't I?" He says quickly. He goes to slap himself in the wrist again but before he can, Evan grabs his arm.

"Don't do that. You're fine. You can talk as much as you want. It doesn't matter to us." Evan says softly. Jared looks up at him and nods slowly.

"Okay..." He says.

"Do you have anything to show the police?" Jake blurts out. Everyone turns to him and he goes red. "U-um so we can get them in jail..." He says. Jared bites his lip.

"Um... N-no." He says quietly. He immediately proves himself lying as he runs his hand through his hair. The group gives him a sad look and Jared sighs before turning around.

At first, they don't think he's going to show them anything before he pulls his shirt up. They don't see anything since Jared has a tank-top binder on but then he takes off his binder, covering his chest with his shirt and binder.

The group is taken aback. Deep lashes run down his back, some brand new and a deep red, others a little older and a lighter red. His upper arms have many deep cuts on them and they also seem pretty new. Evan covers his mouth and reaches out to touch Jared's back but as soon as his hand touches one of them, Jared flinches away and Evan pulls his hand away quickly.

"My god..." Jake mutters. Jared puts his shirt and binder back on and turns back to them, refusing to make eye contact.

"Jared, you have to get that checked out. They could be infected!" Christine says. Jared nods slowly.

"Okay..." He says quietly.

"Come on, I can drive us to the hospital," Michael says. They all go out to his car and somehow manage to fit everyone inside, some people volunteering to sit in the trunk and Rich sitting on Jake's lap.

They make their way up to the hospital and notice that Evan's mom's car is parked in the parking lot. They rush inside, Jared walking behind them and looking at the ground. They find Heidi and explain what happened. She looks pretty pissed since she knows Vanessa and is friends with her. She takes Jared to a room to check him out.

About an hour later, Jared's allowed to take visitors and so Heidi convinces her boss to let the whole group in. When they get in, Jared sits curled up in a ball with his face buried into his legs. Since he's in a hospital gown, the group can see the burn marks on his legs. He has a cast on one of his legs and a set of crutches leaning against the wall next to him. It takes all their power to hold back the urge to go kill his parents right then and there as they sit down. It takes a few moments of silence for them to realize Jared is crying. They look at him and Evan takes his hand.

"Are you okay...?" He asks softly. Jared sort of shakes his head and sniffles.

"I'm still legally their kid. The doctors are supposed to call them to tell them what happened. They're gonna come here." Jared says quietly. The group shares the same scared look before Jake speaks up.

"It's okay. We won't let them hurt you." He says firmly. Jared looks up at him.

"Promise?" He asks softly. Jake smiles and nods.

"Promise." He says. Jared smiles at him. At that moment, they hear the door fling open and their heads snap up. Two angry looking adults stand there. Vanessa and Oliver. Jared feels his heart drop as they start walking over.

"You fucking good-for-nothing asshole," Vanessa growls. Before she can get to Jared, though, Jake stands up and stands in her way. She stops in her tracks and growls at him. "Get out of my way. I'm bringing Raina home."

"No, you aren't. Jared lives with us now." Jake says firmly. Rich goes and stands next to him.

"Yeah, athhole, back off." He growls. Vanessa narrows her eyes at them but turns around and struts out.

"Come on, Oliver, we'll get her a different time." She says firmly. Oliver follows, sticking up his middle finger at them as he goes. Heidi comes in immediately after, glaring behind her at the two. She then turns to the group with a smile.

"Don't worry, I called the police on them. As soon as they get home, they'll be arrested." She says sweetly. Jared smiles.

"Th-thank you..." He says. The group smiles at him.

"Anything for a friend," Jenna says.

After Jared got out of the hospital, he moved in with Evan and Jeremy. They haven't legally adopted him but since his real parents are in jail, there's no need to. The group is still getting him out of the habits he's used to slapping himself when he talks too much or burning himself when he does something wrong. Other than that, though, he's doing much better and is much happier than he was living with his parents.

Yeet I finished are you proud of me?? That was way more depressing than I intended. Next up: it's a secret fuck you ;)

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