Oneshots 7.0

140 6 31

~Abuse, abuse, abuse. Fun.~

My name is Michael
(Same as Christine's)

Isabelle throws her phone onto her side table. Why did she agree to this? She already knows how her father feels about LGBTQ+ people. She lays on her bed, staring up at the ceiling as she slowly drifts off to sleep.

~Time Skip brought to you by me not wanting to write dreams~

Isabella wakes up to the sun blinding her from her window. She groans and rolls out of bed, pulling on her jeans and a red hoodie. She freezes as she remembers her promise. Sighing, she shoots a quick text to the group chat.

From: Micha
Today's the day.

She puts her phone in her pocket and walks downstairs. She hears it ding a few times but ignores it, walking into the living room. Her mom sits on the couch, scrolling through something on her laptop. Isabella clears her throat and her mom looks up, smiling.

"Mahal! I thought you were still asleep." she says.

"I just woke up, mama," Isabella replies, sitting down next to her on the couch. Her mom shuts her laptop and turns to her.

"Is everything ok?" she asks sweetly. Isabella nods slowly.

"Yeah, I just needed to tell you something. Where's papa?" she asks. Her mom looks around.

"I think he's still in bed," she whispers. "What is it?" Isabella looks away, tearing up slightly.

"Mama, I'm transgender," she whispers back, voice cracking. Her mom immediately pulls her into a hug.

"It's ok, mahal. I will never stop loving you," she says quietly. "What's your name?"

"M-Michael," he says boldly.

"Who's Michael?" a voice behind them growls. They jump and turn to face Michael's father. Michael is silent. "Isabella, who. Is. Michael?" he snaps, coming closer. His mom stands up.

"Leave hi- her alone, James!" she yells. Michael's father stares at her for a moment.

"What did you just say?" he asks.

"I said, 'leave her'-" she starts.

"No, you didn't! You were going to say something else! What were you going to say?!" he shouts, stomping over to her she backs against a wall. Michael stands there, hopelessly until he gets the most idiotic idea of all time.

"I'm Michael!" he shouts at his father. He turns to Michael for a moment, growling.

"You're not Michael, you're Isabella." he sneers. He goes to turn back to Michael's mom but Michael just digs himself a deeper hole.

"I'm transgender!" his father freezes. He slowly turns to face him, a look of pure anger on his face. Michael started crying a good few minutes ago so his eyes are red and puffy. He has tears streaked down his face.

"What did you just say?" his father asks quietly. Michael wished he would yell. If he yelled, it would be less terrifying. Michael chokes back a sob.

"I-I'm t-transgender," he whispers. Michael's dad doesn't do anything for a moment. For a moment, Michael thinks he's going to get off easy.


Micheal's dad stomps toward him, steam practically coming out of his ears. When he gets to Michael, he slaps the boy. Hard.

"You are a girl! You will always be a girl! You can not change that!" his father shouts. Michael cowers in fear. He slightly sees his mother rush off somewhere but he's in too much of a state of fear to care.

His father doesn't stop there. He punches the cowering boy, knocking his glasses off. He continues to hit him, backing Michael into a wall, until Michael falls over. He then resorts to kicking the boy.

Michael curls up into a ball. He feels himself about to pass out. He opens his eyes but black spots already rush out, covering most of his vision. He goes back to squeezing his eyes shut.

That is until he feels something in his arm snap.

He screams in pain, pulling his arm in and holding it to his chest. His father still doesn't stop.

That's when he hears the sirens.

He lets out a heavy sigh of relief when his father stops, and looks around in anger.

"That fucking bitch," he growls. He rushes to the door and throws it open before sprinting out. Michael stays on the ground, wreathing in pain. Michael's mother rushes in, tears pouring out of her eyes.

"Mahal, I'm so sorry!" she says, sitting Michael up. He winces in pain and continues holding his arm close to his chest. His mother carefully takes his arm. He whimpers as she examines it. Her mouth forms a straight line as Michael hears the sirens stop outside of his house.

It's all a blur what happens next.

At some point, the paramedics rush into the house and then suddenly Michael's on a stretcher. Then they roll him out and put him in an ambulance. They inject him with some kind of liquid.

Soon after, everything goes black.

~Time Skip~

Michael opens his eyes slowly. He sees his group of friends sitting in the seats around him. Jeremy, Rich, Jake, Christine, Jenna, Chloe, Brooke, Evan, Jared, Alanna, Zoe, and even Connor had been dragged along. Michael groans in pain when he tries to move his arm. Everyone looks at him, teary-eyed. Except for Connor. Jeremy tackles Michael in a hug, sobbing. Michael gives him a half-hug.

"I'm so glad you're ok!" he cries. Michael nods, tearing up a little as well. Everyone takes turns hugging. Even Connor was convinced to take a turn. Jared moves to a window and watches. Michael turns to him.

"It's your turn," he says. Jared feels his stomach flip. Why did he agree to this? He nods anyway.

"Alright. I'll go do that. See you guys tomorrow." he mutters. The group waves him away. They worry about him. He never seems to want to talk about his parents.

They wonder why.

Happy mothers day you guys! Shoutout to Mrs. Mell. Go Mrs. Mell!!

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