Headcannons 6 (short)

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• Michael tells everyone he feels threatened by that he knows karate so they'll leave him alone. He doesn't actually know karate and it doesn't always work.

• Michael is a fUcKiNg BoTtOm.

• Jared has had a crush on Evan for forever but he's always been terrified to show his feelings because he thinks his parents would find out somehow.

• Jenna is the person who uses emojis in every. Single. Text.

• Rich, Jenna, Chloe, and Brooke aren't as popular as they were before the squipcident but the school still knows who they are.

• Jake is still really popular but he hates it cause he can't hang out with the SQUIP squad as much.

• Michael isn't known as 'antisocial headphones kid' to most of the school, now he's known as 'that one gay kid who saved the school'. He isn't pleased because now he can't get alone time when he's walking the hallway.

• Jeremy's popularity was a one-time thing and now, barely anyone knows him. The people who do know him, though, know him as 'that kid who almost started the apocalypse'.

• If The Connor project did happen, Evan's fake friendship with Connor has already worn off everyone and now, they've all gone back to ignoring Evan completely. Which he kind of appreciates.

• If The Connor Project didn't happen, Evan is known as 'that weirdo who hangs around the depressed kid'.

• Jared has only ever been popular with jocks and other bullies. They know him as 'tranny' or 'faggot' or whatever other insults they can come up with.

• Connor is pretty popular if you count 'I only know his name and face so I can avoid him at all costs' as popular.

• Zoe is really popular. She can be in any group she wants as long as she makes sure that Connor leaves that group alone.

• Alanna is popular as 'that girl you can ask to finish your homework for you'. She doesn't like it but it's something.

• Sometimes, the jocks would want to beat up Evan too, but Jared stops them and takes the hit for him.

• Every time someone mentions something about the SQUIP, Michael has a panic attack because he thinks Jeremy is gonna leave him again.


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