10 Jake Dillinger Headcannons

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(GucciGoatCheese requested this so here you go--)
(T.W. Mentions of self-harm)

1. Jake has been really gay for Rich since Rich became popular and a bit before that as well.

2. As soon as Jake got rid of his SQUIP, he lost a good chunk of his friends.

3. Jake misses his parents way more than he lets on and just wants them to come back home.

4. Jake is really good at playing the piano but no one knows it yet because he doesn't play in front of anyone.

5. About 3 months after his parents left, he tried self-harm after reading about it on the internet but stopped soon after because it hurt too much(he was 10 give him a break) and he never tried it again.

6. Once his friends started accusing him of being gay because he hung out with Rich a lot, he faked a crush on Christine to prove that he's straight.

7. At some point in Jr. High, Jake was in the cheerleading squad and so he can do flips and cartwheels and shit and Rich still doesn't know how he knows how to do the splits.

8. Jake was the one who confessed to Rich.
(Jake and Rich walk in holding hands)
Squip Squad: So who finally confessed?
Jake: It was me and I kept it short and sweet.
Rich: You yelled, "Listen, you little shit, I have feelings for you and it's about time you acknowledged them!"... From my roof.
Jake: It worked though.
Rich: Of course it did, you dork.)

9. Jake doesn't like half the sports he plays in but it keeps up his reputation so he plays them anyway. Even if he doesn't want his reputation.

10. After the fire, he started living at Rich's house until it was rebuilt and they did a little bit of *cough cough*
... Exploring...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Alright, that's it. Sorry there isn't more but like I said, I've pretty much dropped out of this fandom so... Sorry.

Also, if anyone else wants me to do anything for the big 1.51K then comment here or on the previous chapter.

Thanks, bye.

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