Oneshots 5.0

180 5 19

(I've wanted to do this for so damn long you have no idea.)


Jeremy and Michael walk into school, hand in hand. They walk over to their group and are immediately congratulated.

"Oh my god! I'm so happy for you two!" Christine.
"You two are tho cute together." Rich.

There are many other compliments but Jeremy doesn't hear them. He's too focused on someone staring at Michael. He doesn't know who it is but he can see the lust in his eyes.

He'll have to stop that.

The day passes by quickly and soon enough, Jeremy is able to go and get his Micha and go home to just cuddle. He skips through the halls, looking for Michael. It takes him a couple of minutes but when he does, he stops in his tracks.

The boy from earlier and his Micha making out in the middle of the hallway.

Jeremy is about to run away crying when he gets a better glimpse of Michael and he realizes that his statement is not correct.


The redhead boy is making out with his Micha in the middle of the hallway.

When he looks closer, he can see the fear in Michael's eyes as he tries to push the boy away. It looks difficult, though, since the boy has Michael's hands pinned hard against the locker. The height difference is a big advantage, too. The redhead looks about a foot taller than Michael.

Seeing this, Jeremy gets pissed. As he stomps over, he notices one of the boys' hands under Michael's hoodie. Jeremy growls lowly.

He probably feels so insecure about that. Jeremy thinks.

As soon as he gets over to the pair, he shoves the taller boy off Michael. He's dazed for a moment before he growls at Jeremy. Michael hides behind Jeremy and the taller boy notices tears in his eyes.

"Yo, what the fuck is your problem?!" The boy shouts. Jeremy gets angrier.

"My problem?! Why do you think that you have a right to make out with my boyfriend and then ask what my problem is?!" Jeremy shouts back. The redhead smirks evilly.

"Oh come on. I was just having a little fun. Plus, he was enjoying it." The boy growls. Jeremy narrows his eyes.

"Did you even see him? He was terrified!" Jeremy shouts. Michael looks away, biting his lip. He just wants this to be over. He wants to go cuddle his boyfriend.

"Psh. Sure he was." The boy laughs. Jeremy growls.

"Keep your hands off my boyfriend or I promise you, you will regret it." Jeremy turns around and walks away, Michael following close behind.

As soon as they get to the car, Jeremy turns to Michael, a look of worry on his face. Michael keeps glancing behind him anxiously and rubbing his wrists. Jeremy takes his hands and Michael looks at him.

"Are you okay...?" Jeremy asks softly. Michael nods before breaking down crying. Jeremy pulls him into a hug and Michael buries his head in Jeremy's chest.

"I-I'm sorry." Michael chokes out. Jeremy looks down at him and kisses his forehead.

"It isn't your fault. It's okay. He won't hurt you again." Jeremy mutters. Michael nods but doesn't move. After a few moments, Jeremy speaks up again. "Do you wanna head home?" Michael nods again, standing up and wiping his eyes.

They get into the car and Michael drives them to his house. They notice Michael's moms aren't there when they get inside.

"So what do you wanna do?" Michael asks quietly. He fidgets with his hoodie strings. Jeremy shrugs.

"I was hoping we could just cuddle maybe?" He says. Michael looks up at him and smiles, nodding. They go down to Michael's basement and lay down on the bed.

Michael drifts off soon after they lay down but Jeremy is wide awake. He's still filled with anger from earlier. He glances around the room before spotting a yearbook from earlier that year.

The redhead couldn't have changed that much... Right? Jeremy thinks, slowly getting up so he doesn't wake Michael. He goes over and starts to go through the yearbook. He sees his own picture and decides to look for Michael's picture a few pages behind him.

When he finds it, he feels his heart flutter and fills with joy. Michael's hair is slightly messy in the picture and his glasses are askew. He's grinning widely, not seeming to have a care in the world. He almost feels his anger slip away until he notices the next picture. Charlie Merton. The redhead from earlier. He grimaces and finds a marker, circling the picture.

He doesn't know why but he feels like he has to get revenge on him. Jeremy finds his backpack and shoves the yearbook in, sighing heavily.

He goes back and lays down with Michael, relieved that he didn't wake up. He stares lovingly at Michael until he falls asleep. In his dreams, he thinks about a way to get revenge.

For Michael.

Okay, I'm posting this cause I haven't posted in a day and I'll hopefully finish it tomorrow. Thanks, Bye!

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