Chapter 5: No Escape

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Shuichi is restless.  He needs a way to escape out of this hell soon or else he'll end up as Kokichi's next victim. (Lol, sorry I had no idea what to write)


Shuichi woke up with a start. He was tired, his limbs refused to move to mean the time must have been crazily early. Shuichi was normally an early riser, getting out of bed wasn't really a chore. But right now, it seemed like the most difficult thing in the world.

The noise had come from the door.


The sound was followed by a few straggled groans and chokes, signifying that the zombies were still outside their door. Shuichi hesitantly got up, looking straight to Kokichi to see if he had been woken up by the noise.

No, apparently he hadn't been since he was curled up, half on his bed while straddling a large sheet of bubble wrap. Shuichi wondered if that would have been him if he had agreed with Kokichi's offer beforehand.

Even so, the detective found himself debating on whether or not he should wake him up. He decided to do the latter and slowly approached the door, resting his ear against the rough wood. Growls and snarls echoed through the door until a sudden bang on it knocked him off onto his bum.

This wasn't good. He wasn't sure on how strong the door was or how old, but to be safe, he really should create some sort of small barricade.

Shuichi's eyes scanned the room. As this eyes caught on Kokichi, he quickly tore his eyes away to the shelf opposite him. He began to remove each bottle which was rested on it and placed them on the floor. After 5 minutes of continuous banging of doors and removing bottles, pushed the shelf toward the door. It had a horrible screeching sound as he did so; Shuichi was genuinely surprised that Kokichi hadn't woken up yet.

Finally, he managed to push the shelf against the door. It wasn't going to stop the banging, however, it would make Shuichi feel safer and more secure.

He realised that the new position of the shelf meant he would have to change where he slept, which now meant he would have to sleep beside Kokichi instead of on the other side of the room. Not that that was a problem or anything...

He quietly laid down a couple of feet away from the sleeping boy, well aware of his own personal space. When he really thought about it, this was the first time he had slept next to someone in a long time. And strangely, he felt some comfort in it, even if the boy was a gremlin and a liar.

Since the killing game, has nights had always been restless. Sleeping consisted of constant tossing and turning. Randomly waking up by a nightmare which once he came into consciousness, he would instantly forget. While Kaede was alive, she was his own source of comfort. Her upbeat, optimistic attitude made Shuichi feel extremely calm even if it was a situation where you shouldn't be. She had instantly become what he lived for, which made her death all the more upsetting.

He shuffled around a bit, trying to get comfortable on the cold, stone floor. He had taken off his blazer sometime in the night, not because of the temperature but because it wasn't exactly comfortable to sleep in. Now, he could feel the freezing floor right through his shirt.

Shuichi shivered. Kokichi had been clever to make his mattress, right now he doubted he could get back to sleep like this. The Ultimate Supreme Leader looked perfectly happy and comfortable though, in stark contrast to him.

Shuichi wasn't one for lying, so there was no point saying that he didn't want to climb in next to the boy. Not because it was Kokichi, no, not at all. Because it was cold, and the floor was horrible compared to the soft mattress in his dorm.

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