Chapter 7: Plan To Action

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Kokichi's plan gets put into action, but will it really work out the way he planned?


Shuichi grimaced as Kokichi cheerfully whacked the frying pan with the bat as hard as he could. The sound was ear-splitting, a sound which was sure to leave a headache. Kokichi, however, seemed immune to the sound and continued making as much noise as he could.

Once he stopped, Shuichi's ears were left ringing. For a couple of seconds, all was silent outside the door, no groaning, no gurgled choking. But the sound quickly occurred once more, this time closer and more fighting.

"Looks like that riled them up! Let's start, Shuichi!" Kokichi grinned and Shuichi nodded. The leader had a talent of getting on people's nerves, he couldn't blame the zombies for sounding so annoyed. Shuichi didn't want to see what they looked like right now, surely they would be climbing all over each other, biting at anything in their way.

Both Kokichi and Shuichi picked up the metal shelf and he noticed it was only slightly easier than when he tried moving it alone. Nevertheless, they dragged it towards the door.

"Okay, Mr detective! You keep the shelf in place while I break the door, we don't want any unwanted visitors coming in without our permission!" Kokichi sounded strangely happy which I by now was unsurprising. Shuichi nodded again and firmly gripped the shelf.

Kokichi had swiftly made his way to the side of the door and pulled out some sort of weird multi-tool from a hidden pocket. It looked like the sort of tool a robber would use while breaking into someone's home. He then began to fiddle around with the door hinges, unscrewing the bolts and screws which kept it in place. Kokichi looked like he knew what he was doing, which was slightly worrisome.

By now, Shuichi was sure that the small boy had done a detailed analysis of the room either while Kokichi was alone, or while Shuichi was asleep. It was impressive, to say the least.

The boy successfully dismantled the door and aided Shuichi in pushing the shelf forward, now that he was much help. Shuichi wished Kaito or Gonta was here, they would have been so much help. Then again, Kokichi made himself useful in his own ways.

Together, they managed to knock the shelf and door down in the direction of the zombies. They heard the strangled gasps, the angry chokes as they were flattened under the thick wooden plank of a door and the metallic barred shelf. Kokichi had quickly positioned himself on top of the shelf as soon as it fell, locking the creatures in place.

Shuichi was hurried to realise that a couple of the monsters hadn't been caught under, and he quickly grabbed onto his frying pan. It took a rapid whack on the head with it to stun the zombies. He used this time to grab ahold of the Carbamate and began to drench it over the zombies and shelf.

"I would hurry Shuichi! These things regain conscious quickly than normal people..." Kokichi explained, jabbing any zombie that moved with his makeshift bat of nails.

Shuichi was far too concerned with the task at hand to answer. He had sure to get the liquid everywhere. It slashed into the mouths and eyes of a couple of the creatures, provoking an angry hiss in his direction. Shuichi felt no remorse and he grabbed Kokichi with the sodium bicarbonate and ran to create distance from the explosion waiting to happen. While he did this, Kokichi pulled out his lighter, thumbing it to switch it on.

Once he did, he motioned for Shuichi to drop him and aimed at the pile of zombies. Swiftly, he chucked the lighter.

It exploded upon impact.

Neither Shuichi nor Kokichi were expecting some of the remains of the explosion of come flying at them like fireballs. Kokichi used his lithe body to avoid any incoming pieces of burning flesh and wood. The same couldn't be said for Shuichi. I scorching piece of what looked like rubble struck him in the leg making him cry out in pain.


Kokichi jerked around to see the detective on the ground, tightly gripping onto his leg in agony.

"Shuichi? Ar-" He could only speak briefly before he was interrupted.

"Put out the fire... Hurry!" Shuichi yelled at him. Kokichi surprisingly obeyed without hesitation, grabbed hold of the extinguisher. He rushed up to the fire began trying to put out the roaring flames. The whole gym was aglow with ambers and indigos. Shuichi could feel the intense heat from where he was sitting. But nothing burned harsher than the new wound on his leg.

Kokichi was managing to put out parts of the fire, however struggling. Shuichi tried to lift himself up and realised he could, however, the pain which shot down his leg was close to unbearable. He grimaced, biting down a whimper. He had to be of some help.

Shuichi managed to stagger up onto his feet after a couple to tries. Next, he limped his way to the nearest wall which, to his luck, held a bright red fire extinguisher. He yanked it off the wall with all of his strength and hauled it over to the fire. By thumbing the button, sharp burst of sodium bicarbonate erupted out towards the fire like a pyroclastic wave from an active volcano.

The fire hissed and slowly began to die down; the angry, indigo flames simmered down until they disappeared altogether. All Shuichi could do was let out the breath he was unconsciously holding and lean against the cracked wall, sliding down it to reach the floor. He held his head in his sweaty hands as he recalled what had actually just happened. More importantly, the plan had mostly worked, however, they weren't out of the woods yet. Shuichi's new injury could conjure up to be a problem...

His attention was then drawn towards Kokichi, who was wearing an emotionless expression that even a detective couldn't read. He had already dropped the chemicals, which had now spilt over the floor, and was staring at the scorched gym floor. Suddenly, his expression flicked into a grin.

"I guess that worked out pretty well Shuichi!" His grin was then directed at the detective who instinctively sighed.

"I think we should get out of here before we attract any unwanted attention..." Shuichi stated, testing out his newly injured leg. The rumble had hit his leg pretty hard. He was sure it wasn't broken, and it was highly unlikely that it had been fractured on impact. However, there was a possibility that the rubble had damaged his ligaments or tendons. The wound had been completely burned, now a throbbing bright crimson. Shuichi was lucky the burning had prevented the wound from bleeding out too much.

Kokichi had approached Shuichi without him noticing and was now standing over him, gazing down at the injury.

"Guess that the rubble hit pretty hard. You can walk, right? Cause if not, I might have to leave here and escape alone!" Kokichi beamed as if everything was absolutely fine as if nothing had happened.

"It's f-fine, I can walk." Shuichi supported himself against the wall and hesitated to stand up. This hesitation was easily picked up by Kokichi, however, the small boy decided to keep quiet. It was only until he saw Shuichi's failed attempt to properly stand when he decided to step in.

"You're such a liar, Shuichi. At least try to make yourself look believable." With that, he grabbed onto Shuichi's arm. Shuichi was shocked by the sudden movement and struggled to get the boy off of him.

"I'm just trying to help you, stop acting like I'm about to rip off your arm!" Kokichi said melodramatically, as he hooked the detective's arm around his shoulders as he tried to support most of his weight. It was a challenge. Shuichi knew he wasn't exactly heavy at all, but he was still quite a few inches taller than Kokichi, making it harder for him to be properly supported.

Shuichi gingerly began taking some steps forward towards the door with the newfound support.

"We need to head to the cafeteria," he stated to Kokichi. "That's where everyone else is right now."

This cause the small leader next to him to let out a prolonged, over exaggerated sigh. "Do we really have to go see those losers?? We are more likely to get found in a large number like that you know. I say we ditch them altogether!"

Shuichi was about to oppose that statement when he heard loud footsteps rushing in their direction from behind the door. It took only a few more seconds until the door forcefully swung open with a loud bang, revealing who had found them.

Sorry for the wait! My revision period of the year has begun, so it means me juggling schoolwork, this, my life as well as playing Persona 5 which I have become slightly addicted to...

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