Chapter 13: The True Test of Courage and Friendship

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There's a commotion in the kitchen.

Kokichi awoke to the sound of his classmates bustling around in the kitchen while chattering loudly. He turned over onto his other side on the grass, reluctant to get up. This was when he noticed the smooth blanket which lay up to his waist. Was that there before?

The commotion in the kitchen continued. Kokichi couldn't decipher if this was just the usual routine of the other students, or if something had actually happened. Even so, he remained on the ground, his back slightly aching from the lack of mattress. It wasn't until he heard the loud obscene voice of Miu when he decided to check out what was really going on.

"Hey, Pooichi! You alive, there?!" The sentence hit his heart like a hammer to a china plate. Another murder already? And Shuichi?

He quickly got to his feet and twisted the door handle, revealing the scene which had been hidden.

Everyone had surrounded Shuichi's bedding, so much so that the detective was no longer visible.

"Sidekick! Can you hear me?" A remark from Kaito, who was seemingly kneeling over the detective who Kokichi still hadn't managed to catch sight of.

"He's out cold!" Tsumugi cried, clearly afraid of what might become of Shuichi's future.

Kokichi decided to observe from afar; something he was used to doing by now, as much as he wanted to run up and check the current state of the detective, he also couldn't be bothered to get in the way, yet.

"This must be from the infection." Maki sighed. "I knew it. Simple home remedies were never going to be enough for something like that. We need antibiotics, now."

The noises of concern grew louder.

"Himiko! Do you think your magic could help?" Tenko asked hopefully. "You're so incredible after all."

"Neh... In normal circumstances, yes... But it's too late for my magic to work on the infection now." Himiko stated.

Kokichi tilted his head to the side the finally get a view of Shuichi.

There was clearly something wrong. The detective was sweating profusely, so much so that it looked like he'd just showered. His hair was wet and clung limply to his forehead. His skin was much paler than usual, while dark bags lay under his eyes. He seemed unconscious, although he was breathing unevenly. It was safe to say Shuichi looked pretty ill, and Kokichi wasn't at all pleased.

He took it as the moment to swiftly saunter over to Shuichi while the groups' backs were turned.

"My beloved detective~!" Kokichi sang, as he shoved Kaito into Maki and knelt the Shuichi's side. "What happened to you!!?"

"Hey!" Kaito growled, pushing himself forward once again. "Get away from him Kokichi; you'll just make things worse than they already are!"

"Do you want to die?"

Kokichi pouted yet remained where he was. Kaito be bigger and Maki might be more skilled, but right now, Shuichi was the problem which they had to deal with.

Kokichi turned back to the detective upon hearing the surprised gasps which had echoed through the group. Shuichi had apparently opened his eyes a fraction, his gaze flickering between Kokichi, Kaito and Maki.

"This... isn't the time for f-fighting.." He gasped out, sounding extremely pained.

"Are you alright Shuichi?" Kiibo questioned, sounding genuinely concerned.

"Is this going to turn into a sick fic which nobody asked for?" Tsumugi asked.

"I think the infection has become... worse..." Shuichi winced, ignoring the last question, along with everyone else.

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