Chapter 18: Character Development

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The group tries to decide what they should do about Kokichi...
Warning- Some foul language from Miu

Shuichi opened his eyes to utter chaos.

The first sound he heard was a distinctive cry and a few hushed apologies.

Once he opened his eyes, it was a complete mystery why just about every one of his classmates had tears streaming down their faces.

How long was he out for? What exactly did he miss that would cause his friends to be in such a state?

Nobody was facing him, actually, it seemed that their main focus was on Himiko. She was being blocked from view by the backs for his classmates, so the detective was having a hard time figuring out what might be wrong with her.

However, one thing was for sure. She was crying too, letting out more emotion and despair he'd ever heard from the mage.

He looked at the rest of the ultimates. Kaito was pale in the face, ghostly even; something was clearly bothering him very much. Maki's face was still, not showing much emotion however her expression looked darkened. Kiyo looked sorrowful, yet wasn't crying, unlike Tsumugi. Miu looked genuinely upset, which was pretty contrasting to her usual vulgar expression or resting bitch face. Kiibo was crying the best a robot could...

Then, Shuichi noticed how both Kokichi and Tenko were nowhere to be seen.

"What's going on...?" He decided to speak up, surprised how his own voice sounding raspy and cracked as if it hadn't been used in a long time.

He saw the backs of his classmates turn and was greeted by their shocked but at the same time mellow expressions.

"Shuichi! You're awake.." Kaito cried; the detective was beginning to feel slightly unnerved by that strange, ghostly look on his face.

The only one who wasn't looking at him was Himiko, whose face was buried in the palms of her hand. She was crying loudly, ignoring everyone else around her.

"Is... Himiko okay?" Shuichi tried, although he already knew the answer to that. She didn't look okay at all.

Nobody answered him. Instead, they all shuffled and shifted around nervously in the unnatural silence.

Miu was the first to talk, however, her words weren't directed at Shuichi, instead, it seemed like she was talking to the whole class.

"Its that little abortion's fault. Which fucker here said it was fine to let Tenko go off with him?!" She screeched, violently eying every one of her classmates. " It's his fault she's dead!"

Then, Shuichi understood. Another one of his friends had been killed and he couldn't do anything about it. And... Kokichi had been the one that killed her?

"Please be silent." Korekiyo muttered and for once, people actually agreed with him, for Himiko's sake.

"I'm sorry..." Kaito exclaimed, not looking at anyone in the eye. "It's my fault. I shouldn't have let him go with her. I should have known he would pull something like this."

"Where is Kokichi, anyway..?" Kiibo asked, having recovered a bit from when Shuichi last had looked at him.

"You didn't notice?" Maki glared. "The coward slipped away somewhere when Himiko started crying."

"Wait, " Shuichi said, beginning to feel more and more concerned. "He isn't in the kitchen either?"

"He left through the dining room entrance. Although I couldn't care less about what happens to him now. Whatever he gets, he deserves."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2020 ⏰

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