Chapter 9: How (not) to treat a burn

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Everyone is reunited once again! It's time for Shuichi's injury to get some medical attention. That's easier said than done when you have no ointment, no experience and surrounded by people who can't keep their mouths shut.

After about 15 minutes of walking in silence, Shuichi, Kaito and Maki made it to the door of the cafeteria. Sure enough, Kokichi trailed a short distance behind them.

Shuichi moved to open the door with his one free hand however Kaito was quick to stop him.

"Wait a moment, sidekick. I've got to show you the secret knock." Kaito stated. He heard an irritated groan which came from behind him.

"Seriously, a secret knock? What are you, five?" Kokichi laughed, holding his hands behind his head.

"You're one to talk," Maki spat in his direction. "I'm still trying to convince myself that you're in high school, considering you're height."

Kokichi just pouted as Kaito knocked on the door five times, the last three knocks faster than the others. Voices came from inside the room and it took a good minute before the door opened to reveal Tenko.

"You sure took your time, degenerate." She said to Kaito as her eyes then landed on Shuichi. "Well, I'm glad you found your male friend, he isn't so bad." And finally, she caught sight of Kokichi. "You, on the other hand, need to learn some respect. What were you even doing?"

"Looking for clues." Kokichi shrugged as he walked past Tenko and into the room. Kaito supported Shuichi as they also made their way into the room, followed by Maki.

"Shuichi!" Kiibo gasped as soon as he saw that he was limping. "What happened?"

"Um.." Shuichi hesitated, "it's kind of a long story."

"Well, congrats on finding the gremlin. Now we have even more f*cking problems!" Miu snorted obscenely. It's looked as though she was still working on her invention.

"Shuichi," Maki commented from behind him as Kokichi disappeared from sight into the kitchen. "I think we need to sort out your injury, it looks pretty bad."

"Does anyone have any medical experience?" Tsumugi spoke up; it was the first time Shuichi had heard her speak in a while.

"Well, I would be able to help with my magic..." Himiko started. "But I'm all out of MP. Sorry.."

"You have no reason to be sorry Himiko! He's just a degenerate male!"

"Hmmm... I have experience with many things, but not anything to do with medicine." Korekiyo stated.

"I don't think stand up comedy will have any use in this situation..." Kiibo sighed, disappointed.

"Well don't look at me, you freaks!!" Miu shouted and turned back to her invention.

"I mean," Kaito said, "we get taught about treating things like headaches and colds in my astronaut training, but nothing like this."

Maki sighed. "You're all useless. I guess I'll have to do it then."

Everyone turned to her, surprised.

"Wow! You've had medical training Maki-roll??" Kaito asked, surprise spreading over his face.

"I guess it makes sense if you're a childcare giver," Tsumugi replied thoughtfully.

Maki signalled Kaito to place Shuichi on the floor and he silently obeyed, carefully placing the detective onto the floor. Shuichi winced as stabbing pains shot his leg through his body.

"Ok." Maki began, grabbing onto a chair. She carefully lifted Shuichi's leg, placing it to rest on the chair as Shuichi himself lay down and rest his head on the hard flooring. "It's important to keep the wound over your heart to reduce swelling."

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