before we start, I just have to mention that there will be a few lemons at the end. no actual descriptions, just a little kidding and a little *couch* undressing *cough*
Clementine P.O.V
I only ever do lookout at night, because its the only time that nobody is around for me to be strong. its the only time I can let my true feelings show. I sink to my knees on top of the tower, bowing my head and letting the tears escape. I look to the sky
"lee? how do I lead all these kids? im only a kid myself. they don't know what its like out there, lee. sometimes im happy they don't, I wouldn't want to know. but when it comes to times like this, I wish they know just how bad people can be now. how hard it is to survive. how do I do this, lee? how can I lead people? I wish you were still here, to tell me how to do this." I heard a creak below me, but I didn't react, thinking it was just the breeze. "what do I do... what do I do" I whispered
"clem" a gentle voice came from behind me, causing me to whip my body around from fright. a sillouette with dreadlocks stood behind me, the moonlight behind them shadowing their tall, lean figure. louis. I quickly wiped my tears so he wouldn't see them. he knelt down to my level, wrapping my in his strong arms. I broke down, sobbing and shivering in the cold night. he rubbed my back soothingly, whispering sweet nothings in my ear.
"its gonna be ok, clem. were gonna figure this out." I pulled away from the embrace, looking at him. "god... your so beautiful..." he whispered, cradling my face with his hands. "louis... I need your help. I truly cant lead everyone alone. and I would want anyone else doing it with me..." I whispered back, choosing to ignore his compliment. its not that I didn't care, its that I didn't believe it. I think he noticed, because I was the sillouette of his face twist into a frown.
"ok clem. il help you. im always here for you. always." his face was only inches from mine. I could feel his warm breath fanning my face. I basked in the moment, never wanting it to wnd as I closed the gap between us. I could still feel the tears on my face as they continued to drip out of my closed eyes. he reached up and wiped my face with the pad of his thumb, smiling against my lips. my stomach fluttered as I pushed him back, so he was flat on his back and I was above hum, straddling him. he slid one hand over my waist, the other threading through my hair.
*lemons warning*
I tugged at the bottom of his shirt, gently lifting it over his head as he worked on removing my jeans.
soon, our skin was only separated by our undergarments. I pulled away, gazing down at him. he looked up at me slightly confused.
"I love you." I whispered, my voice carried in the wind that brushed out bare bodies. he gently pressing his lips against mine. "I love you too. more than you could ever know." he then unclipped my bra, as though he had done it millions of times, my breasts burst free of the uncomfortable undergarment, that I had been wearing since I was twelve, henceforth making it far too small, as I tugged on his boxers
needless to say, I wasn't feeling so lost anymore. louis found me, and I found him.
well then! hope you two have fun! anyways, shortish chapter, but the idea sorta came to me during class, so I stardted writing it then, and finished it here, anyways, day 5! im doin great. lastly, 44 reads in 5 days? that's a lot if you put in perspective, so thanks for givin me a chance guys. ive been using wattpad for a good few years now, just used a different account for quite a bit of that time, but wither way, im thankful. I might do a face reveal at 100 reads, maybe. just tell me if you want it. also, im running out of ideas so PLEASE give me some ideas, and il credit you.
731 words.