before we begin, im just gonna say that this one has less clouis in it, as a good chink of it will be clem talking to lee about louis in a dream. there will still be fluff though.
clementines P.O.V
my legs swung over the edge of the cart as I took in the sights. the blues and greens and reds and yellows blended and blurred as the train swiftly ran down the tracks. the gently vibrations soothing me to the core. "hey sweetpea" came a familiar voice behind me. lee sat down next to me, swinging his legs out in front of him. "hey lee." I could feel serenity bubbling inside of me. we sat there for a while, just watching the world pass by, before he started to speak. "so, whats on your mind this time?" lee consoled. just his voice alone was enough to comfort me in my times of trouble and woe. "I don't know, lee. theres this boy, who I really like, but after Aj killed his best friend, he blames me for it. and I don't know how to apologise to him." he smiled down at me sadly. "sweetpea, if theres any advice I could give you on this, it would be to go out of your way to do something for him. learn a song on the piano, he would love that. louis is a good kid, hes just scared and confused and doesn't know who to blame. and im sure that he will forgive you, if you explain that yes, what Aj did was wrong, but he was acting on impulse. he though you was in danger. he was scared. it wasn't his, or anybody else's fault." I lowered my head, tracing the dull wood beneath me.
"your right lee. I should talk to him. and about the piano thing, I know just the song that will work. its one that he taught me himself, origionally just as a joke, but its what actually made us as close as we were before marlons death. its the song he played for me right as we met." I smiled, standing up. lee following as I walked into the middle of the train cart. I closed my eyes, feeling the wind flow around my body. when I opened them, I could now see his chin if I looked straight ahead. "wow. just look at you. you've grown to be so beautiful. hey, I thought I told you to keep this short." I fondled my low bun affectionately. "you have no idea how hard it is to find a pair of scissors these days." I smiled. "I miss you lee. so, so much. I wish you was still here." I smiled gently, cupping my cheek with his calloused hand "I am sweetpea, im always here, watching you, I never stopped" I distant horn sounded. "I have to go. its time for you to talk t him. im sure he thinks the world of you, hes just too stubborn to admit it." I threw myself in his arms, never wanting to leave. "I love you, lee" I said, pulling away. "I love you too sweetpea. stay safe." and with that, he walked down the train car, into the shadows. and with that, I closed my eyes.
"clem, wake up, its time to get up" came a little voice beside me. I groaned, not wanting to leave my warm nest. as my mind started to remember the dream I had, I shot out of bed. "woah clem, you ok?" "yeah, I just have something I need to do. il be back in a bit." I pulled my hat on, followed by my boots. I ruffled Ajs afro before running out the door. I had to be quick it this. I ran across the courtyard, and into the admin building. thankfully, louis always sleeps in, so I reckoned by the fact that only Aasim was outside, that I would have about an hour and a half before he woke up. the first thing he always did before getting breakfast was to come here and practice for half an hour. I sat down on the bench, carefully sweeping by fingers over the ivory keys, trying my hardest to remember how the song went. one key after another, I tapped out the melody, with the accompanying harmony to go with it. the song filled the room as I started to sing.
"oh my darling
oh my darling
oh my darling, clementine,
you were lost and gone forever
dreadful sorry, clementine.
light she was and like a fairy
and her shoes were number nine
herring boxes without topses
sandals were for clementine"
i continued the song through to the end before playing it again. i kept repeating it, practicing for when louis finally came.
louis P.O.V
the joints in my legs clicked slightly as i slid myself out of bed. i did my daily things (brushing my teeth, putting oils in my hair ect) before grabbing my coat and walking out the door. something felt odd, today, though, like something was going to happen. oddly, my mind stayed in one place. clementine. i couldn't get her out of my head. this had been occurring more and more, but i didn't know why. as i reached the admin building, i froze. someone was playing the piano. i was instantly confused, because as far as i was aware, only i could play it. i couldn't recognise the song, as it echoed and distorted its self around the building. i cautiously walked up the stairs and towards the music room. when i got there, the door was open, and inside, sat on the bench was...
my heart started thudding at the mere sight of her. i felt strangely compelled to just go towards her and hug her. so instead i settled for the latter and just entered the room, before leaning against the wall. she continued to play, but what she did next caught me off guard. she started to quietly sing the lyrics.
"oh my darling
oh my darling
oh my darling clementine
you are lost and gone forever
dreadful sor-"
the floor creaked as i shifted forward, casing her to stop playing and whip around. her eyes widened as soon as she caught sight of me. "you know, your a beautiful singer. " she turned red, clearly unsure of what to do.
"h- how long have you been there." she eventually stuttered out. "not long. what are you doing here?" i could almost hear the cogs turning in her head as she processed my question. "originally, i came here to talk to you, but i guess i got distracted." she looked back down to the piano. guilt flooded my body as i realised what she wanted to talk about. i could only guess it was about marlon. she stood up, hesitantly making her way over to me. "listen, louis. im so sorry about what happened with marlon, but i just want you to know, that nobody is to blame for what happened. Aj was scared. he thought i was in danger, and he acted on impulse. he was broken for days after it, completely wrecked with guilt. but i understand why you were mad. he just shot your best friend in the head. i would be angry too. but i-" i cut her off by wrapping my arms around her small frame. she momentarily froze in surprise before wrapping her arms around my neck. burying my head into her messy hair, i inhaled the bonfire scent i had missed so much.
it was moments like these that reminded me how i really felt.
"clem. i was never mad at you. everything that happened that night, with marlon, Aj and just everything, its all just this chaos in my head when i think back on it. but these weeks apart have made me realise something-" i pulled away, and looked into he teary golden eyes. "clem, i-" i cut myself off. "no, nevermind its better if i show you." i leant down, hovering my lips just centimeters away from hers in momentary hesitation, before deciding to take the plunge, and kissed her. her lips tasted sweet, like honey. everything felt as though it had stopped moving. like time no longer existed. it was just us. two teenagers in desperate attraction. what surprised me the most, though, was her reaction. i expected her to push me, away, to slap me. but instead, she placed a hand on my cheek and kissed me back. my mind was whirring at a mile a minute, yet it was calm. everything inside me was screaming, and my body was on fire, and yet everything, for once, felt right. i gently tugged her waist, desperately trying to get her closer to me. she leaned back slightly, me bending over her, holding her weight with my arms around her waist.
she gently pulled away, looking into my eyes. "you have no idea how long ive wanted to do that." i whispered. "me too" she whispered back, pressing her lips to mine once more.
this was what i wanted, for god knows how long, and i realise now just how empty ive been without her.
heres a nice long one to make up for how short yesterdays was. hope you enjoyed!
1563 words.