general P.O.V
louis was sweating bullets. he planned to ask his brunette beauty to marry him, or as close to what they could get to marriage at the end of the world. to say the least, he was nervous. but he had his plan, and he would stop at nothing until the olive skinned badass was his wife.
he worriedly paced the music room. what if she says no? what if she laughs at me? the what-ifs raced through his mind as he pondered the sheer possibility of it going wrong. meanwhile, violet was trying to console the boy "she wont say no, lou. she loves you more than anything. hell, she loves you as much as lee." he shook his head at the idea. there was nobody in this world clementine could ever love more than lee Everett. he was the guidance in her young life, he looked after her and loved her like his own.
"no, vi. what if she says no? what will I do then? what if she laughs in my face and calls me a lunatic?! what if-"
"LOUIS! she wont say no! you know how I know? when you two first got together, but nobody knew, I liked her too, and I made a move, and you know what she said? she said, im sorry vi, but im with louis, im gonna marry him one day." louis looked at her, a mixture of shock from her outburst, and joy from what she said mixed together in his eyes. "she- she really said that?" the blonde nodded, frowning slightly. "wait... you don't... still, have feelings for her, right?" louis questioned carefully. he didn't want to upset his friend, but he wanted to make sure nothing would happen. "im not going to lie, lou, I do, but I can say this. im not gonna try and break you guys apart. you are made for each other, your each others soulmates, life partners, its meant to be for you two. its not for me and her. I already accepted that." the dreadhead blushed and looked down.
"yeah... we are. thanks vi. I really needed to hear that." the girl smiled, a rare sight for louis. but what she did, however, shocked him. she wrapped her arms around his torso in an embrace
he froze at the contact momentarily, before draping his arms over his shoulders.
louis took a deep breath as he began to put his plan into action. he started by placing a note on clems pillow, telling her to meet him at the lake behind the school. then, he set up the place where he would ask the question, a small blanket next to the shimmering lake, with a few pillows tossed around. then, he laid down his coat, and waited.
it cant have been long, fifteen, twenty minutes tops, before the familiar love of his life made her appearance around the school, a look of curiosity laced on her face.
"hey, my love. whats going on?" she voiced, her voice sounding calm, unlike him, who was shaking with fear and sheer nerves. "hey clem, I- I wanted us to have a little... date I guess. fancy a swim?" she nodded eagerly, already slipping off her jacket, followed by her shirt. the sight of her now close to bear body made his heart flutter, his nerves melting away. he slipped off his shirt, leaving him bare chested. she smirked at his tall, lean and slightly muscular figure.
soon enough, they were both in underwear, laughing and splashing each other. he almost forgot what he originally came here to do as the swam around, play wrestling and just messing around.
clem swam over to her boyfriend, wrapping her legs around his waist, him holding her ass to support her weight. "louis. I know you didn't just ask me to do this. so whats the real reason you wanted me here?" he took a deep breath.
"come back to shore with me. il tell you there. he dropped her gently, and together they swam to the beach.
once there, they sat down on the blanket, each sitting on, and clutching a pillow. "clem, come here." she shuffled over and sat, straddling his lap. "you know I love you, right?" she nodded slowly. "I love you more than anything in this world, and I never knew truly how to tell you, how to show you just how I feel about you. but recently, I found something while scavenging, and I thought that this is exactly right." I dug in my pocket, and brought out the ring I had scavenged with Aasim. she gasped and covered her mouth. "clem. I have loved you since we met. so I feel its only ask you, even though technically we wont be, we will. so, will you marry me?" tears were rolling down her face as she tried to form a coherent sentence
"louis I- wha- yes! yes I will" she pushed him onto his back and passionately pressed her lips to his. he kissed back with as much energy as he could muster, flipping her over so he was above her, detaching their lips and attacking her neck with sloppy kisses. she sent out hums and moans, her whole body on fire. she rolled so they were both on their side, as he detached from her neck. "I love you." she hummed gently, in a state of ecstacy
"I love you too" he took the ring from his pocked, before gently sliding it over her finger. she admired the ring. it was simple, a shiny golden with etched vines adorning it. on the inside, there was a wobbly C+L was scratched into the metal. "its beautiful"
"just like you"
this is a sort of prologue to the earlier chapter "vows" also im sorry that im technically late, by about half an hour, ive been at my friends, I still am, the others are watching a film so I took the time to write this. sorry about that, but I just though that this beauty would make up for the lack of chapter yesterday, and the sad chapter the day before. love you guys!
1035 words