im louis

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"just follow the music! youll find him!" the blonde I had just met yelled to me, before darting out the gate, his bow at the ready. I scrunched my nose, and listened close. as soon as I did this, I could here music so gentle as it was carried by the afternoon breeze. I tentatively took a step towards it, entranced by the melody of the song.

a large oak door creaked open as I pushed it, and inside was Aj, who was stood next to a piano, watching it play. then my eyes shifted up to the person playing the piano, and my heart skipped a beat.

he was gorgeous. he had caramel skin, dark, almost black eyes, freckles that dusted over his cheeks and down his neck like stardust, pursed, plump lips and dreadlocks that framed his face. I stood, enthralled at this boy, before snapping my gaze to Aj, who had now noticed my presence. "clem! he yelled, running towards me. I knelt down as he ran into my arms. "your okay. " I whispered, my voice cracking slightly. "your not dead, that's good." came a sultry voice in front of me. I opened my eyes, and there he was, facing me. "watched your kid for you." he continued, giving a smirk that made my knees weak. "thanks. I appreciate it" I said, smiling at his kindness. "no pro- well, not NO problem, he was a bit of a handful, but I got off light compared to what ruby went through." I frowned I guessed that ruby was the redhead screaming to me about how Aj bit her. "Aj doesn't like people coming up behind him" I explained, feeling somewhat guilty. "don't ever do it." the guy just smiled and turned back towards the piano "loud and clear little man" he started to play the same tune again "oh, totally forgot, marlon left your bag in here somewhere." I glanced about the room, before spotting it slumped against a chair. "I got it." I sauntered over to it and picked it up, setting it closer to Aj so I could get what I needed out of it. first thing I grabbed was my knife, before putting it I its sheath. I then pulled out my hat, and smiled as the fond memories attatched to it flooded my mind. Aj turned around and watched me. I then pulled out Ajs gun, before holding it out to him. the mysterious boy stopped playing with a surprised gasp "um" he said. Aj took ut from my hands, spinning the barrel. "double um. does he know what that is?" I looked at him, exasperated. "hes earned my trust with it." he looked back at me, horrified and confused. "hes a tot!" he argued. I rolled my eyes.

"yeah, a tot who can shoot." I looked at me, seemingly given up, as he shrugged his broad shoulders. "you guys do your thing I guess." he played the same tune, again before turning to me again. "im louis" he smiled. louis... the name suits him, I wont lie. "clementine" I smiled back. his eyes lit up as he continued to play. "you don't know any others? I inquired. "well there is one" he looked at me, stopping. " but your armed" I looked at him strangely. what does he mean? I shrugged his shoulders before tapping out a tune, before starting to sing

"oh my darling

oh my darling

oh my darling clementine (cue Aj gasping)

you were lost and gone forever

dreadful sorry clementine

light she was and like a fairy

and her shoes were number nine

herring boxes without topses

sandals were for clementine"

he stopped playing and looked back at my. my heart fluttered as he held my gaze.

this is gonna be a real problem if its always gonna be like this.

I don't know what this is, but its something I guess. I apologise for the shitty paragraphing, but not much else I can do, so here you guys go. also where in the living name of ducko did 350 reads come from?? just two days ago I had like, forty! thank you guys so much, I really appreciate all you people reading the shitty content I put out.


712 words

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