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general P.O.V

clementine sat at her desk, scribbling notes on a piece of paper. it was the night before her and louis' wedding, and she had nothing for her vows.

"I have loved you- no that's too corny" she said aloud, tearing the paper out the notebook and throwing it to the floor. "what about... since the day we first met, I- no what the hell am I thinking." she muttered, tossing the paper behind her before promptly slamming her head against the desk. " why cant I just..." there was a small knock on the door, causing the brunette beauty to turn her head. "come in!" she yelled quietly (don't we all love an oxymoron). the door handle twisted as the wooden object creaked open, revealing violet.

clem was surprised. after everything that happened with the delta, violet had refused to speak to her. all clementine had received from her was a few nasty glares, especially when clem and the dreadheaded love of her life had announced their engagement.

"oh h-hey violet. is everything ok?" reading violets emotions nowadays wasn't easy, mainly because she was fully blind in one eye, and mostly blind in the other. "I uh, I wanted to wait until tonight, but how I behaved on the boat, and how ive been behaving since, its not fair. you could have left me to die with the delta and not have even tried to rescue me, but you did. I never thanked you for that." clementine was taken aback. "no, violet. you went through hell on that boat, and I let that happen." "its ok that you didn't save me. it was me or louis. anyone in their right mind would pick their soulmate over their not even that close friend. so, are we good?" she blindly held out an arm to signal for a hug, but she couldn't properly see her, so she took her hand and pulled her into her arms. "were good vi." she pulled away. "now please help me with this im trying to write my vows for tomorrow but ive got nothing."

the girls chatted and wrote ideas for a few hours. the sun was beginning to crown the horizon by the time they had finished. clementine decided to proofread before they both went to sleep

I never would have imagined that in the middle of an apocalypse, two peope would manage to get married. but I wouldn't change it. im not gonna be too sappy here, so instead il just say this.

thank you louis. thank you for our midnight escapades (no rowenne im not sorry), and flirty jokes at the piano. thanks for the small kisses we share that drive everyone crazy, and the endless card games that keep us all awake until the sun starts to shine. thanks for the little memories, and for the memories that are yet to come.

i fell onto my bed with a contented smile and allowed sleep to overtake my exhausted mind

*the wedding*

clementines P.O.V

"we are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of clementine Everett and louis smith. clementine, if you would like to say your vows" Aasim, who we had agreed to marry us, said. I pulled out the slip of paper, and looked at it thoughtfully. it wasn't right. I slipped it back away and looked up at louis, who had tears in his eyes

"louis. no stars shine without darkness, and you have proved that to me, but it then begs the question, that does a star, know it shines? you do everything for everybody, and expect nothing in return. your caring nature is just part of who you are. you don't know how much your worth.

now, I don't want to be all sappy like that, so instead, im gonna talk math." chuckles went around the music room. "there are infinite numbers between zero and one. 0.1, 0.11, 0.12, and so on. but, there is an even bigger infinity between 0 and 2. so I realise that some infinities are bigger than other infinities. I have also come to learn that some infinities are better than others. for example, a math infinity isn't that great, even though its one of the largest. but, the infinity we have, although small in comparison, its the best one can get. thank you louis, for the infinity that you gave me."

by the time I finished my speech, tears were rolling down his face. I gently wiped his cheek with the pad of my thumb.

"now louis, if you would." he gazed out at our small audience. "well, I certainly cant do any better than that, um, im suddenly nervous." he laughed gently, causing the others to chuckle. "I don't know where to start. ok, lets start with this. the day we met clem, I remember the ridiculous looking bandage around you head. I remember freaking out when you handed Aj that pistol, and you roasting me. all these little things in my head mix together into this large treasure chest of memories that I will cherish forever. in a world like ours, its not easy to be alive, let alone actually live. I realise now that I truly wasn't living before you came. I was just trudging through the days, waiting for Aasim to stop moaning at me for not paying attention, or for marlon to come up with new ways to hunt, and even for violet to do her oh so iconic full body eye roll. but when you came, its like somebody finally lit a candle inside me, on that lit me up in every way.

your an absolute badass, and your tough as ricks, hard as metal. nothing breaks you. but when I saw a new side of you, compassionate, gentle and loving, I was astounded that you would show it to me of all people. I remember vividly making the carving in the piano. I remember mistaking the heart for a potato, and making a complete fool of myself.

I love you so much, queen clem. and somehow, you love me too. I guess miracles do happen. I mean, were standing right here, so... yeah. miracles exist, and you are mine."

claps went around the room at his speech, and I could hardly hold in my tears.

"beautiful speeches! now im gonna keep this short, because like the rest of you, im fucking hungry and that buffet looks amazing, thanks omar, so louis , clementine, I now pronounce you husband and wife. you may now make out so we can all eat!! laughs, claps and cheers went around the room as louis pulled me to him, pressing his soft lips against mine. his minty lips drew me as we kissed, sparks flying through the room. he dipped me, almost as though we were in a movie. I was still dipped when he pulled away. "I love you" he whispered, lifting me back up. "I love you too." I whispered back, breaking eye contact and looking around the room.

this was surely gonna be a night to add to our collection of memories

*deep inhale*



ok im calm now. that was adorable. I hope you enjoy this beautiful piece of work. follow me on Instagram @venus_and_the_stars for sneak peeks and cool stuff


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