my sun and stars (innocence pt 2)

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louis P.O.V

I paced around the basement, marlons sickening green eyes watching me. "why's you do it dude. you told me you changed. and why clem! you know we are together! you know how I feel about her, so why would you stab me in the back like this?" he shrugged, and laughed. "shes sexy bro, what can I say. I wanted her, and since you got to her first, I needed release man. surely you can help a brother out and let it slide? or even maybe let me have a round two?" I took a deep breath to keep me from strangling him. "dude. im not gonna let you rape my girlfriend again." the ass across from me audibly sighed. "I honestly don't know how you do it dude. how to you just not get turned on whenever you see her? because mad, I do just thinkin about her." I frowned. "because I have control over myself, asshat. I don't see her for her body. I see her because of who she is. you should fucking try that sometimes. maybe then you wouldn't be in situations like this" I motioned my hand at the chair he was tied down to.

I walked out to prevent myself hurting him. I desperately needed something to punch, but I couldn't do that, so instead I opted to go outside the gates with chairles and find any walkers that had gotten caught in the snares. surely enough, not even five minutes down the path, there was one. I positioned my arms and swang at the creature, instantly feeling relief as the chair leg made contact with the walkers skull, the satisfying crunch echoing around the desolate forest. I swung again, imagining that instead of a walker, its marlon. the crunch of rotten bones is now louder as the head of the walker completely disconnects from the body and rolls away. "damn..." I must have really been mad. "lou?" came a quiet voice behind me. I turned around and saw clem, wrapped in my trenchcoat, and about four layers of clothes. "clem? are you ok? are you cold?" she shook her head. "I figured marlon was coming onto me because I wasn't wearing enough, and I just wanted to be careful" my heart shattered, her voice that was once bold and confident was now whispy and timid. I dropped chairles and walked over, wrapping her in my arms. she snuggled into my chest. "clem no. this isn't your fault. marlon is a sick fuck, and im still deciding what to do with him." she looks up at me. "what are our options?" she said, her breath brushing against my chest." I sighed.

"well, we could just leave him town there til hes learned his lesson, we could kick him out, or..." I trailed off. "or what?"

"or we could kill him." clem froze in my arms, causing me to sigh again. I knew she wouldn't like the idea. I didn't either. rapist or not, he was still my best friend. he was still the only person who had comforted me after my parents kicked me out. evil human being or not, I still owed him a lot. "i actually agree with that lou. he deserves to die after what he did to me. i wouldn't be able to stand seeing his face ever again. and i have an idea on how to pull it off, without just shooting him in the head and calling it a day, because he would struggle. " i cocked my head, eager to listen.

she began to talk, filling me in on her master plan.

*time skip*

i called a meeting to discuss the plan, and to fill everyone in on what happened with him and clem.

"hey guys. i bet your wondering what your doing here, and more importantly, why the hell marlon is a prisoner in the basement. well... clem should i explain or do you think you could do it?" she nodded to tell me i should. "ok. well, earlier this morning, you guys remember when i pulled clem aside, then carried her in ten minutes later?" a chorus of nods and "yeah"s went around. "well i had seen hickeys on clems neck, and i knew they weren't from me. there, she told me that marlon had- had sexually assaulted her." my voice cracked as i spoke. it was still so awful, and saying it out loud made it become more real. gasps went around. "since me and clem are the leaders, it was up to us to decide what to do with him. and we decided that he should be killed for his crimes. i fear that if we simply punish him, and then let him walk free, not only will he do it again, but clem wont ever be the same, and lets face it, we all need her." everyone started to shout in support of our idea. "and we know that if we just kill him straight off, justice wont be truly served. because not only did he do this to clem, he murdered brody. and gave the twins away. he was never punished for either of those crimes, henceforth, he needs to be. so clem hatched a plan." everyone nodded "so heres whats gonna happen..." i explained the plan to them, and everyone was on board and ready.

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