General P.O.V
not every person is made of stone. and for clementine, this applies. she may be the badass, tough as steel momma bear, but she too has a breaking point,
and she's just about reached it.
sitting on the end of her bed, sobbing, is not how she wanted her night to be, or morning per say. nightmares were a common thing for her, however, and this one was even worse than usual. her body was quivering as he mind raced, her body at war with her troubled thoughts.
louis coincidentally could not sleep that night, so instead he opted for wandering the halls at this time of the night. but he wasn't expecting to hear muffled cries belonging to his long term crush. his heart was in his mouth as he tapped on the door, eager to console the girl. he heard no reply as the sound of her cries echoed around the building. he deftly opened the door, and the sight caused a pit to grow in his stomach. there she was, sat on the end of her bunk, crying. her breathing was jagged, causing the dreadhead instant concern. without a word, he sat cross legged in frond of her, and gently wrapped her in his arms, she buried her head in his chest and cried he. swiftly pulled her so she was curled up like a child in his lap, which usually would have sent him mind into a frenzy, but tonight he was simply concerned for his crush's state of mind. he rubbed her back soothingly, whispering sweet nothings to her. her small arms were wrapped around his neck, her head buried in his shoulder. he ran his fingers through her hair, mildly surprised at how soft and silky it was.
he wondered what could have caused her to be so visibly distraught.
"clem, what's going on?" he whispered, still stroking her head.
she let out a small sob before taking a deep breath, and beginning to talk
"I- I had a nightmare that I w-was unable t-to move and I-I was watching e-everyone I love d-die!" louis was shocked. he wasn't aware that clementine had nightmares. "is this common? or did it happen only tonight?" louis looked down at clem, who was breathing deeply, trying to calm herself down.
"n-no, they happen every n-night, but this o-one was worse." the pit in the teenage boys stomach grew, at the knowledge that the girl he loved was suffering. clem and louis were close, they told each other everything. but this wasn't something he was aware of. and he hated himself for not seeing it sooner. "clem" he said, brushing her tears away with the pad of his thumb. "I love you, ok? you need to tell me when these things happen. you don't have to suffer like this in silence." she looked up, visibly shocked at his words. he felt his heard drop as he realised what he had said.
"y-you do?" she whispered, her tone astounded. he pondered for a second, before deciding that it truly was time for her to know exactly how he felt about the brunette beauty
"yeah clem, I do. I've been in love with you for almost two years. I mean, your so strong, and beautiful, yet sensitive and caring." clem said nothing, causing him to panic slightly. "o-of course its fine if you don't feel the sa-" she cut him off with a gentle but passionate kiss. he froze in shock for not even a second before melting like putty in her small hands. he placed a hand on her cheek, gently caressing it, while her arms tightened around his neck. she shifted slightly so she was now straddling him. his head felt like it was spinning
but what he didn't know, was that she felt the same. her head was running at ten miles a minute, her whole body felt like it was on fire.
she pulled away, but kept her face only millimetres from his. "I love you too" she whispered, her lips touching his at the movement. he tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, before tracing her jawline.
he couldn't help but stare into her eyes, the pools of honey gold overwhelmed his senses.
"stay with me tonight" she whispered, looking into his tawny brown eyes. he cupped her cheeks. "of course." he laid back as she shuffled, laying her head on his chest, draping her arm over his waist, crossing one leg over his. "wheres Aj anyway?" he said after a few moments of silence. "he decided to move in with tenn." something clicked inside his head.
"so you've been having nightmares because you've been alone...?" "I- I mean that's a possibility. the nightmares only started after he moved out." he tossed an idea around in his head. "well, how about this. if you have no nightmares tonight, I could move in here or you could move into my room. that way you wont be alone." she sat on the idea, before nodding tiredly. "good idea" she yawned, shutting her eyes. louis gave a small sight of contentment, before drifting off to sleep himself
*the next morning*
the sun shone through the window, disturbing clementines sleep. she yawned as her eyes fluttered open. the warmth behind her confused the girl, before she remembered what happened the night before. louis loves me. she supressed an exited squeal and turned over. the dreadheadead boy was still sleeping, his hair hanging in his back. he looked 10 years younger when he slept. I could get used to this the girl thought. "louis" she cooed quietly. he groaned and covered his eyes with his arm. clem giggled and removed it. "louis" she cooed again. his eyes opened halfway. "good morning" he whispered, his voice slightly raspy. clem felt weak at the sound. " morning lou." he sat up as he seemed to remember something. "did-did you have any more nightmares last night?" clem smiled, flattered by his thoughtfulness. "no. I actually had a really nice dream for once." louis smiled too. "so... my room or yours?" he asked, winking. clementine laughed. "definitely yours. you have a double bed.
"touché" he grinned.
shitty ending, but this was super cute, so why not.
1049 words