just for the memes

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general P.O.V

louis and clementine were sat at the piano, doing what they do best, louis hopelessly flirting with clem as she laughs at his blatant attempt to seduce her.

she truly did love the boy, though, it ways nobody could ever explain. he didn't know this, however, nor did she know if he felt the same.

"so, clem, I know im not normally like this, but theres something that I need to tell you..." he said, his tone suddenly deepening with clear nerves. the brunette beauty placed a hand on his shoulder. "what is it?" her tone seemed sweet and calm, but what he didn't know was that she was internally freaking out. he was never serious. "I... um... Iike you. like, really li- no, fuck, I love you, clem. I really, really love you." her stomach did a flip at his words. he loved her?

her silence disturbed him. "im sorry I-" she cut him off in the only way she felt was right. by jumping onto his lap and throwing her lips against his. his hands immediately found their way to her hips, as hers wrapped around his neck. her knees were at his sides in a straddle, only bringing the twos bodies even closer.

it wasn't long before she pulled away. he looked up at the girl, shocked. he could feel his face rapidly heating up as coldness brushed on his lips, already missing the warmth of hers. she simply sidled of his lap. she looked up at the surprised boy and smirked, clearly enjoying his shock.

"w-wow" clem laughed gently at his pal stutter. "I love you too louis." she observed his tawny brown eyes light up in a way she had never seen, and its astounded her. "im glad. really glad." he smiled gently. he leaned forward and lightly kissed her once more. this one wasn't as brash as the last, and was more subdued, yet still passionate and strong. emotions flowed through the pair, as this new feeling presented its self.

they could definitely get used to this.

im so sorry its so short, but ive been out all day, and I had no sleep last night, but I just had to get this chapter out for yall before I got to sleep. also, we are so close to 1k reads. I might do a face reveal if you guys want it. im not that pretty though haha


408 words

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