general p.o.v
the morning light shone through the cracked windows as clementines eyes fluttered. she was faintly aware of a warmth pressed against her back. she turned over to see louis, who was gently pressed against her, his arms wrapped protectively around her waist. "louis" she gently cooed, deftly stroking his cheek. she admired his face, the freckles that spread over his cheeks, the dreads that hung loosely, framing his face, to the round shape of his lips that tasted distinctly of the mint from the greenhouse. "louis" she hummed again. he groaned before sliding his arm over his eyes. "its too earlyyyy" he grumbled in a husky morning voice that she found all if not endearing. she smiled as she caressed his soft cheek. he went to roll over, but she simply caught his shoulder, turning him back towards her. he groaned again as the sun shone on his eyes. she smirked as an idea formulated in her mind. she pushed his shoulder so he was laying on his back before swinging her leg over his waist so she was straddling him. his eyes flew open as he looked at her. he was clearly enjoying his wakeup call " now then. that's one way to wake a guy up. " he grinned as she shook her head, leaning down and pressing her lips to his. he threaded his fingers through her surprisingly smooth and knot free hair as she slid her arms underneath his neck. her whole body tingled as his hands travelled down her body, eventually resting on her thighs. her hips bucked as she flattened her body against his. his hands deftly rubbed her upper thigh and over the round shape of her butt. "louis- we have to - go to- the courtyard" she whispered between kisses. "five more minutes?" he smirked. I rolled my eyes "such a child" but alas, his lips latched to mine once more. "yo you guys fu- OHHHH MY GOD" a yell came from behind us, startling me to the point where I fell off the bed with a thump. "uuuh, omar wants you in the courtyard for breakfast." violet mumbled awkwardly. I sat up, rubbing my head from where I had hit it against the rotting wood floor.
louis just laughed awkwardly as he helped me to my feet. "tell nobody" he said, staring at violet with a mock threatening glare. "oh no, im telling everybody"
and with that, she darted down the hall yelling at the top of her lungs
just a short little thing because im too tired to do anything more.
434 words.