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may eleventh, 2009malibu, california

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may eleventh, 2009
malibu, california

"The notary's here! Can you please come sign the transfer paperwork?" Pepper asked as she walked into the gym.

"I'm on Happy time!" Tony called as he and Happy sparred. "Sorry."

"What the hell was that?" Happy asked after Tony elbowed him.

"It's called mixed martial arts. It's been around for three weeks." Tony said with a shrug as he bounced on his toes.

"Yeah, it's new." Brooke called from her spot on the couch.

"It's called dirty boxing. There's nothing new about it." Happy said, glancing at both siblings.

"Alright, put em up. Come on!" Tony said before he and Happy noticed Natasha in the doorway.

"I promise this is the only time I will ask you two to sign over your company." Pepper said as Natasha walked over to her and Brooke.

"I need you to initial each box." Natasha said, handing Pepper a pen as Tony watched.

"Lesson one: never take your eye off—!" Happy started before Tony kicked him into the corner of the ring. "That's it. I'm done."

"What's your name, lady?" Tony asked as he pointed at Natasha.

"Rushman. Natalie Rushman."

"Front and center. Come into the church." Tony said as he nodded to the ring.

"Tony, don't make her do that." Brooke said as she looked at her brother.

"—if it pleases the court; and it does." Tony said, making Brooke roll her eyes.

"It's no problem." Natasha said before she took her shoes off and got into the ring

"I'm sorry, Ms. Rushman. He's very eccentric." Brooke said with a sigh as she rolled her eyes. "—and a pain in the ass."

After holding the ropes up for Natasha, Tony stared at her while he drank from his water bottle. "What? Can you give her a lesson?" Tony asked as he glanced at Happy while getting out of the ring.

"No problem."

"Brookie. Pepper." Tony said in a whisper as he sat between to them.


"Who is she?"

"She's from legal. She's potentially a very expensive sexual harassment lawsuit se continui a guardarla in quel modo." Brooke said, glancing from her phone to her brother.

—if you keep ogling her like that.

"We need a new assistant, boss." Tony said as he looked at Pepper.

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