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december first, 2016queens, new york

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december first, 2016
queens, new york

Instead of listening to Brooke's advice, Peter completely ignored everything she told him. He brought the Spider Man suit with him to Washington DC for the decathlon trip, hacking into the software to disable the tracking device, followed the bad guys—who trapped him in a warehouse—and then almost got arrested while trying to save his friends. After he got back from DC, he promised Brooke he would stop with the weapons, only to turn right around and break his promise. After interrogating a man named Aaron, Peter ended up at the ferry, where he was told the Vulture guy would be.

"Okay, Karen, activate Enhanced Reconnaissance Mode." Peter said after he got to the ferry.

"Sure thing." Karen agreed. "He's up front. Main deck."

"It's the guy from the bridge, right? Who's that other guy?" Peter asked as he looked at the footage.

"There's no record of him in my criminal database. Incoming call from May Parker. Should I reroute to your heads up display?" Karen asked.

"I can't talk right now. I'll call her back. Hey, dronie. Keep an eye on that guy. We can't let anybody get away this time. Who's the guy on the left?" Peter asked.

"Mac Gargan. Extensive criminal record including homicide. Would you like me to activate Instant Kill?" Karen asked.

"No, Karen. Stop it with the Instant Kill already. White pickup truck. Dronie, scan the ship for a white pickup truck." Peter said.

"Incoming call from Tony Stark."

"No, no, no. Don't answer!" Peter said before Karen answered the call.

"Hey, kid. Got a sec?" Tony asked.

"I'm actually at school." Peter said.

"No, you're not. Got a call that you left." Tony said as he sat around his office. "Anyway, even though I was worried sick about you, nice work in DC."


"Grandpa never really gave me a lot of support and I'm trying to break the cycle of shame." Tony said as he tossed a stress ball in the air.

"I'm in the middle of something, Dad—" Peter started.

"Don't cut me off when I'm complimenting you." Tony said, making Peter sigh. "Anyway, great things are about to—what's that?"

Peter sighed silently after the ferry horn blew. "I'm at band practice."

"That's odd. Happy told me you quit band six weeks ago." Tony said as he sat up. "What's up?"

"I gotta go. End call." Peter said before he hung up.


"I'll take those! Hey, guys. The illegal weapons deal ferry was at 10:30. You missed it." Peter said as he started to fight the guys.

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