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june fourteenth, 2013washington dc

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june fourteenth, 2013
washington dc

"Operations Control." Steve said after he and Brooke got in the elevator, him looking out of the window.


Before the doors could close completely, Rumlow stuck his arm in the elevator, making the doors open before he and the Strike team got in. "Keep all Strike personnel on site."

"Yes, sir."

"Forensics." Rumlow said as he glanced at Steve and Brooke.


"Cap. Ms. Stark." Rumlow greeted, making the two turn around.


"Evidence Response found some fibers on the roof they want us to see." Rumlow said as he looked over at Brooke and Steve. "You want me to get the tac team ready?"

"No, let's wait and see what it is first." Brooke decided before Rumlow looked away, giving a nod.


Brooke looked down, noticing as one man put his hand on his holster, taking note that no one other than Rumlow dared to look at her or Steve directly. Brooke glanced at Steve before the elevator stopped, her seeing four more tough looking guys boarding the elevator. One of the men looked at Rumlow, greeting him with a nod before he looked at the couple, giving them curt nods before he stood in front of them, pushing the two to the back of the elevator. "Excuse me."

"I'm sorry about what happened with Fury." Rumlow said, glancing at the two from the corner of his eye. "It's messed up what happened to him."

"Thank you."

Brooke didn't respond to Rumlow. Instead, she subtly looked around the elevator, seeing a few of the men sweating while others kept tight holds on their briefcases or holsters. Soon, the elevator stopped again, making Brooke take a step backward, bumping into Steve.



Brooke glanced up at Steve, him glancing around before he looked at her, giving her a slight nod. "Before we get started, does anyone wanna get out?" Steve asked, the man in front of Brooke hitting the emergency stop before he turned around, aiming to hit Brooke with his stunner before Steve pushed her out of the way.

The man behind Steve quickly put him into a chokehold before another man nudged the handle off of his briefcase, turning it into a metallic handcuff. Meanwhile, Brooke kicked one of the men away from her before one of the Strike members grabbed her from behind, making her kick him in the groin before grabbing him by the arm and flipping him. Steve managed to break free from the handcuff, he and Brooke kicking and punching all of the people in the elevator. Rumlow managed to get a handcuff on one of Brooke's wrists before he pushed her against the wall, the handcuff connecting to the wall of the elevator. Brooke looked up before she tried to move her hand away from the wall, her seeing Rumlow reach back to punch her from her peripheral. Brooke quickly looked over, blocking his hand before he stunned her, her kicking him away.

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