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may twentieth, 2009malibu, california

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may twentieth, 2009
malibu, california

"It was an illegal seizure of trademark property." Pepper said as Bethany opened the door to her office.

"Ms. Potts?"


"Mr. Stark is here. He refuses—" Bethany started, Tony ignoring her and walking in.

"I don't. It's fine. I'll just be a second." Tony said before he looked at Pepper, who put her finger up.

"It's our position that Stark has and continues to maintain proprietary ownership of the Mark Two platform. No, the suits belong to us. Burt. Burt, listen to me. Don't tell me we have the best patent lawyers in the country and then not let me pursue this." Pepper said with a sigh.

Tony walked around the office, gesturing to the boxes with his and Brooke's belongings. "I'll get this stuff out of here."

"Well, tell the President to sign an order. We'll talk about it at the Expo. Hammer's giving some presentation tomorrow evening. Will Tony and Brooklyn Stark be there?" Pepper asked as she looked at the billionaire.

"Will we?"

"No, they will not. Bye." Pepper said before she hung up.

Tony shrugged as he pulled a chair over to her desk and sat down. "We would like to be. Got a minute?"


"Come on. You just got off the phone. You're fine. Thirty seconds." Tony said, placing down the carton of strawberries and leaning back in the chair.

"Twenty nine, twenty eight—"

"I was just driving over here and I thought I was coming to basically apologize, but I'm not." Tony said before Pepper looked at him.

"You didn't come here to apologize?"

"That goes without saying and I'm working on that. I haven't been entirely upfront with you and I just wanna try to make good." Tony paused to look at the moving statue on the desk. "Can I move this? This is crazy. It's like a Ferris wheel."


"Do you know how short life is? If I never get to express—by the way, this is somewhat revelatory to me. I don't care—wait. I care. It would be nice. I'm not expecting you to—here's what I'm trying to say. I'm just gonna say it." Tony said with a sigh.

"Let me stop you right here, okay? Because if you say I one more time, I'm gonna actually hurl something at your head. I'm trying to run a company. Do you have any idea what that entails?" Pepper asked as she leaned forward, making Tony nod.


"People are relying on you and Brooke to be Iron Man and Phantom and you disappeared and all I'm doing is putting out your fires and taking the heat for it. I'm trying to do the job that you were meant to do." Pepper paused her rant to look at the carton of strawberries on the desk. "Did you bring me strawberries? Did you know there's only one thing on earth that I'm allergic to?"

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