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After packing about a million bags in the car and the little angels me and Emily finally hopped in. Starting up my engine I backed out of the tight parking space cursing under my breath

    "Some people park as if they fucking blind." Emily nodded her head agreeing with me.

I headed for her aunts house,the only family she has here, to drop her and the babies off for the night. Her aunt wanted to see her and the babies while we have the time off. She's also going to be the babies babysitter when we begin working,thank God she's not fucked up like the rest of her family.  Cruising across town, I pulled up to the beautiful two story pale yellow house. Walking up to the front door I was carrying once baby and Emily had the other.

     Pushing the doorbell multiple times just to annoy her, I heard her little feisty voice scream "I'm coming damn it."

We chuckled and the door swung open startling Ayden who was sound asleep.             A small frail woman opened the door smiling ear to ear she squealed and grinned over the babies. Entering her home and taking off my scandals I placed Ayden down taking the baby bag off my shoulder. We Sat and talked for a minute and soon I was standing up to leave.

          "Bye babies" I kissed the Prince and princess causing them to giggle"Bye loves. I love you all." I exited the door and locked the bottom lock blowing them thousands of kisses causing them to flick me off.

  They so damn feisty. Climbing into my car pulling out and made my way home. I stopped at a near by Krystal's and got out to order.  Walking up to the clean counter I tapped my oval nails waiting for some service.

    "Hey beautiful what can I do for you today? " A handsome dark skinned guy approached me to take my order.

He was cute but he looked young as hell and I just rolled my eyes. I ordered a number three and finally he handed me my cup after countless attempts of trying to get my number. I filled my cup with ice and sprite and waited for my order. I jumped up when my order number was called after what seemed like forever. 

   He winked at me as I left and I damn near threw up "Corny motherfucka' ." I yelled as I flicked him off.

          Getting in my car I slammed the door and headed home. Arriving at my front door I felt more then relieved. Opening my door I kicked off my shoes and turned on the TV. Not long after I passed out from exhaustion.


I woke up to a strong hand covering my mouth with a rag, I inhaled the toxic fumes of the poison the doused the rag in. I kicked and fought and got a good look at my attacker. I heard some voices saying something about Jay. Before I could look at anyone else,feeling some men lift me off the couch and carry me out my home I felt my heart skip a beat and the rest is history. I blacked out. .

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