Chapter 1

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This whole story is literally a bunch of porn, with a storyline ;)


I said it for a third time, although I knew my Spanish was rusty, or was it Latin? Either way, the crumbled up, burnt piece of parchment wasn't helping my lack of linguistic skills. The words were smudged too and it felt like I was reading a child's writing. For a fourth time I said the phrase. The second it was uttered a gust of wind surrounded me even though I was in an enclosed room. I looked around my small living room. Every little object was picked up and strewn around the room before crashing to the ground. Silence followed. I looked at the large pentagram painting on my hardwood floor which was surrounded by candles. Nothing was there. He was supposed to be here. I knew this was a total myth.

"You called?" A voice came from behind me. Spinning around I saw him there, laid out on my couch, one arm rested on the arm rest and supporting his head while the other was trailing a curved, medieval-looking dagger up and down the side of his tanned, shirtless body. The rest of his body was covered in skin-tight, dark red pants. His brown hair was slightly messy and at the top of his head I could see two small horns protruding.

"Y-yes. I summoned you." I squeaked. It's not every day you find yourself speaking to the Devil. One second he was on the couch and the next he appeared in front of me. I gasped, stumbling backwards, but his arm snaked around my waist, keeping me close to him.

"So, you want to make a deal?" He asked. He licked his lips and then a wicked smile formed on them. Out of instinct I removed his arm and stepped away. He made no move to touch me again.

"Yes. It's my sister. She's deathly ill and I...I would sell my soul for her to be okay again." I told him. He started to slowly walk circles around me, looking me up and down, examining me.

"Where did you hear about me?" He asked, stopping in front of me.

"I read a lot of books. I was in Mexico trying to find something, anything, that could save my sister and then just when I thought all hope was lost I found an old, decaying book where I found a phrase which was said to be able to summon the Devil." I explain. His lips curved into a smile once more and he chuckled.

"Close. My father is much too busy to deal with the common folks problems." He said. Father? So he's the Devil's son then. I was wondering why he looked so young.

"So, you are?" I questioned.

"Victor, one of his sons. But please, if you must, call me Vic." He said. I had no interest in calling him by his name.

"Well? Do we have a deal? My soul for her health?" I asked. I wasn't sure if that's how this worked or if I had to give him something else or do something. The page I found in the old book tried to explain it to me, but I was average at best in Spanish when I was in high school.

"Step into my office." He said. He clicked his fingers and it felt like my entire body was being ripped apart and glued back together before my entire surroundings disappeared and were replaced. Now I was in a room; a room much larger than my whole apartment. The walls were tall, very tall, like three times the size of an average houses' wall kind of tall. In the middle of the room was the largest bed I have ever seen. It looked like it could have been four times bigger than a normal king sized bed. The sheets were a glossy, red satin and there were black and red pillows covering at least a quarter of it. Why was I focused so much on the bed? Well that's the only thing that was really in the room. The rest was bare, apart from the red velvet rugs on the ground, plus the paintings on the walls. Along one of the walls was what looked like a large sliding door, but it wasn't see-through. And then there was a door in the corner of another wall, a window on another and yet another door on the final wall. Out the window all I could see was flames. Then I noticed the temperature. It was so hot in here I could feel myself starting to sweat.

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