Chapter 11

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When I awoke, Vic wasn't next to me like he had been all night. I was kind of disappointed to be honest. Part of me really wanted to wake up in his arms just like I had fallen asleep in them. Then again another part of me knew that wasn't Vic's style at all. It was a miracle he had even kissed and cuddled with me in the first place. It was a weird, but nice, moment to say the least. I was just worried about how he would react now that the drama is over and his head is probably clear. Would he push me away like he did last time?

What was also bothering me right now was my own feelings. I was confused. My entire goal since I've been here was to make Vic fall in love with me so I can go back to Earth and be with my family. I guess that's still my goal. I still want to go back and live my life. However, I feel so bad for tricking him like this. Oh who am I kidding? He's incapable of love! It isn't in his nature. Sure, he can have these caring moments every once in a while, but when it comes down to it, he is a demon whose sole purpose in his existence is to fuck everything that moves.

"Oh, you're still here." The sex demon himself just appeared in the room, startling me for a moment, but I recovered quickly. I sat up, letting the sheets fall down around my waist.

"Uh, yeah." What was I supposed to say? Vic walked towards me a little and then stopped, taking a step back.

"You should go...back to the souls' room." He said. Well actually it was more of an order. Panic rose in me. I didn't want to go back there. I couldn't! Not after what happened yesterday. I know they're all gone now, but what if it happens again? I just spent the night with Vic! Surely they'd all be mad again. I can't go through with that again. I can't!

Vic's hard look never faltered though. He looked serious about his decision to make me leave, but still I didn't move. "It's not up for discussion." He added. I looked away from him and nodded. I expected this to happen so I shouldn't be upset, yet I still was. I don't want to face the others, but I knew I had to.

I pushed the sheets back and got off the bed before solemnly trudging my way back towards the souls' room. I glanced back at Vic to see his demeanor had changed. He wasn't tensed with his arms folded anymore. He looked a bit relaxed, but when he noticed I was looking at him he went back to how he was before. I gave him an odd look before looking back ahead of me. I stopped at the door and rested my hand on the handle, ready to open it. I took a deep breath to prepare myself but I couldn't do it. I wanted to stay and I definitely didn't want to see the others. I turned back to Vic to see him looking a little annoyed at me now. He looked like he was ready to force me to leave, so I did the one thing I knew that would convince him to let me stay.

"Fuck me." I requested while looking at him innocently. A glare crossed his face and he whooshed across the room and stopped right in front of me. He put his hands on my shoulders and roughly pressed me against the door. His eyes were filled with fury.

"You don't get to request that. You don't get to initiate these things. I think you've lost sight of whose boss around here. I am, okay? I run the show around here!" He was yelling by now and shooting me death glares, but I stood my ground as he continued his rage-filled speech. "You can't just crawl into my bed whenever you want! You can't make me want to kiss you! You can't do these things! I am the one who is in control, not you!"

A deafening silence fell over the room once he was done with his tantrum and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to turn around and run away, but I've been breaking the rules this whole time, so why not continue? Vic was breathing heavily and shaking in anger.

"So?" I asked. He frowned and looked at me questioningly, so I continued. "Are you going to fuck me, or what?"

He paused, just watching me for a moment before he grabbed my wrist and tugged me away from the door. I grinned in success as he dragged me across his room. He took me past his bed to the wall and clicked his fingers. I watched as chains fell from the ceiling, much like they had one time during our time together. We had done this once before and it was definitely one of my favorites.

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