Chapter 14

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Three days. It's been three long days since Vic made me leave. I was going crazy without him. Absolutely insane! I know I've gone days without him before but this feels different. This feels definite, like there's no way he's going to go back on his decision. I fought it, I did. I tried to make him let me stay but he wouldn't hear anything of it. At least when he was avoiding me other times he still came into the room every day to check that we're all behaving, or even to get another soul to play with, but not this time. This time I haven't seen him since he made me leave.

"Are you just going to lay there all day again?" Jack asked from the bed beside me.

"Like there's anything else to do. We're stuck here for eternity, remember. Get used to doing nothing." I said in a monotone. I heard Jack sigh next to me and give up, just like he had given up three hours ago when he tried to get me to do something.

So like usual I ignored my surroundings and stared at the ceiling, counting the cracks in stone. I kept losing count and starting over again though. Ignoring everyone around me suddenly became so difficult. It was the abrupt shuffle of feet along the floor which made me sit up and look around. I knew what was happening. Everyone was assembled at the end of their beds and Vic, that devilish bastard I was in love with, was standing at the door which led to his room. His eyes were fixated on me. Like the other souls I got up, but I didn't stay at the end of my bed. I took this as my chance to confront Vic. I didn't care that the other souls were watching. They all knew the situation and were surprisingly okay with Vic and I getting closer, and they were sympathetic when they found out he's pushing me away.

"Vic." I started, but he put his hand up, silencing me.

"Don't." He said coldly. He swiftly walked past me and straight to...Jack? He went to Jack. Jack looked just as surprised as the rest of us. Vic however looked determined. He wanted something and it looks like he'll stop at nothing to get it. And right now it looks like that something is Jack.

"You, my room. Now." Vic ordered, pointing at Jack. My stomach dropped. Is he actually going can't process that thought right now. I mean, I know he's the demon of lust and I know he has needs and it's not like he hasn't had sex with everyone in this room multiple times before, but this time was different. This time I'm in love with him and him doing this...well...he may as well rip my heart out now and stomp on it.

Vic didn't look at me as he turned and walked to his room. Jack walked by me casting me an apologetic glance. I wasn't mad at him. This isn't his fault. He couldn't exactly say no to Vic. I can't believe this is happening. Well, I can, but I still didn't want it too. A horrible feeling coursed through my veins and tears pricked at my eyes. I wouldn't cry though. Maybe there's a perfectly reasonable explanation behind this. I just don't believe Vic would purposely hurt me like that. I mean, if he wanted sex then he could have gone after anyone, but he went for my best friend in here. That's just cruel and I don't think Vic is that cruel...or is he? Maybe I'm under estimating him. I found myself walking over to the door and jiggling the door knob but it was locked, just as it had been for the past three days. I put my ear to the door just hoping to hear something.

"Don't do this to yourself, mate." Louis said. I knew the others were worried about me. I always saw them glancing at each other whenever I did or said something. It's funny how these remaining souls were like a family ever since the others were banished.

"I have to know." I snapped at him. He just shrugged and I watched as he flopped down onto Harry's bed. I've noticed they sleep in the same bed quite often and Vic hasn't said anything about it. Maybe he doesn't know. I don't know. I don't care either. I'm too busy trying to hear what was going on on the other side of that door. Talking. They were talking but I couldn't make out any of the words. Damn it. I need to know what's going on. Yet on the other hand I probably wouldn't be able to handle it if I hear Vic and Jack hooking up.

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