Chapter 18 (Final)

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I was starting to get a little anxious. Vic had been gone for almost ten minutes now and well, I was starting to get a little turned on again. No, scratch that. Not a little. A lot. The tightening in my pants was more than obvious.

"Vic! Get back here!" I called out to the empty room, of course receiving no reply. Ugh, I wish I knew more about being a demon. All I knew so far was that I feel 100% more energetic than when I was a human, and I'm fucking horny all the time, oh also the sex is beyond great.

"Answer me, Vic! I know you can hear me." I snapped. Surely he can. I heard a chuckling sound and quickly turned around, scanning the room for the source of the sound. I heard it again and it was then when I realized it was in my head.

"I know that's you. Come back, please? I need you." I said. I got no reply, nothing, not a peep or a chuckle. I groaned in frustration and flopped down onto his bed. Oh if only I had this teleportation thing down, then I could go to him and make him fuck me.

I lay there for a few minutes breathing heavily and trying to calm myself down. I tried to think of anything other than sex. My mind wandered to everything that happened today. I was no longer human. Not even a dead one. No, I was this creature that most people assumed was a monster. Yet I knew I wasn't a monster. I don't have evil thoughts. I don't wish to murder or torture people. No, other than my physicality I feel completely normal. In my mind I'm still me. I'm still a creature who can care and love for someone, much like Vic turned out to be. Human society always put it into our heads that hell is a place of evil, and essentially they're right, but they don't know the whole truth. They don't know the good I see here. The good I see in Vic, whether he'll admit it or not.

My train of thought was derailed when an overwhelming feeling of pain burst through my chest. I cried out in agony and threw myself up and off the bed. The pain got worse and all I could think of was that this wasn't my pain. It was shared.

"Vic!" I shouted. I can't exactly remember how I did it when I was in such a panic, but all I was thinking about was Vic being in danger and the next moment I was teleporting myself into a room, well, more like a dungeon. I had never been here before and I didn't care where I was. I was more distracted by the scene unfolding in front of me. Mike was behind Vic and holding him in place while Lucifer had his hand buried deep in Vic's chest. Vic was screaming out in anguish.

"Let him go!" I shouted as loud as I could. A sudden eruption of power and energy coursed through my entire body and left me. The next minute Lucifer, Vic and Mike were all being torn away from each other. Each of them flying to a different corner of the room. Did I cause that? I wouldn't be surprised if I had. I was absolutely furious. I was practically frothing at the mouth in anger. Almost straight away the three off them were up again and walking towards the centre of the room.

"Stop!" I yelled and somehow they just stopped in their tracks. It was like they wanted to move but they couldn't. Could I really have that much power? I knew it wasn't just me though. It was as though I had Vic's energy too. I could feel it. I didn't know what to do next though. I had no clue how to finish this. I didn't have to though because Vic spoke up.

"Enough of this, father! This is unnecessary! All I want is Kellin and the soul system re-instated. You can do whatever the fuck you want with the rest of hell." Vic said. Somehow I could tell that Vic was lying, well partly. I knew he meant what he was saying, but I know he doesn't want his father calling the shots anymore.

"Don't be so naïve!" Lucifer shouted. "Do you really think I can risk another demon falling in love and taking over? Do you really think I could possibly trust you?! I know you, Victor, you will not simply stand by and watch me run hell when you know you can take over yourself."

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