Chapter 15

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"I'm scared...he's just been sitting there muttering to I came over to tell him my cancer is gone and he was just sitting, mom the living room looks like a satanic shrine...yeah like a pentagram is painted on the floor...I don't know, he was a few days ago and now he won't talk to me...yeah some like Spanish thing. I have no idea...He looks like a mess...yeah...yeah...okay...alright...I love you too, mom. Bye." My sister was always horrible at whispering. She was in another room but I could still hear her conversation. I couldn't concentrate when she's here. She has to go.

"Kell?" My sister, Kailey, came back into the room. My head turned quickly then I looked at her. She looked worried, but she looked good. She was practically glowing and I was sure that was because she found out her cancer is gone. Even though I had been sent back to Earth it seems that my original deal with Vic was still honored.

"Hey, sis." I said, throwing a fake smile on my face. I was not okay, but if I wanted her to leave then I had to fake it.

"Hey, I need you to talk to me. What's going on?" She asked, pointing to the scene before her. I guess to a normal person this would look crazy. I quickly stood up and went over to her.

"Nothing, just an experiment." I said.

"An experiment?" She asked, clearly not buying it.

"Yeah. It's just a college assignment thing. So you're cancers gone, huh? Kailey I'm so happy for you." I quickly changed the subject, stepped forward and embraced her in a hug.

"Uh yeah, it's so amazing. It just like, vanished. The doctors have no idea what happened. It's a miracle from God." Her normal bubbly personality was back. I almost laughed at the last comment. If only she knew where her "miracle" really came from. I pulled away and held her at arm's length.

"I'm really happy for you." I said genuinely. I couldn't forget that Kailey was the whole reason I had gotten involved with Vic in the first place. If there was anything that I wanted to come out of this then it's for Kailey to be okay, and she is. And now that I know she is I can focus on getting back to Vic again.

"Thank you. But are you okay? You're acting really weird." She said.

"Oh, yeah. Everything's fine. I'm just stressed. It's almost time for my final exams, you know? I guess I'm just tired." I said.

She looked at me skeptically for a moment before nodding. "Okay, well maybe I'll come by tomorrow when you're a bit more, uh, you?"

"Of course, I'll just get some rest and be back to normal." I lied. I didn't plan on being here tomorrow. I planned on being back with Vic. It's bad enough I've been gone for two days, but I won't let it be a third. No, I wasn't going to give up. I was going to get back to him.

"Okay, I'll see you later then." She said and I nodded quickly. She pulled me in for another hug and then with that she was letting herself out.

The second the door closed behind her I sat back on the floor and picked up the piece of parchment which had brought Vic to me in the first place. I said the phrase again and again and again, yet nothing happened. Ever since I woke up in my bed yesterday I had been out here and saying it over and over. Initially I had thought everything that happened was a dream. No time had passed since I had been down there. It was like it had never happened. But when I came out here and saw the pentagram I knew it was real. It had to be. I did not imagine weeks worth of the best sex of my life. I couldn't accept that it was a dream. I know it's real. Lucifer must have changed the times so no-one would question where I had been. Maybe he completely reversed time. I wonder what happened up here during the time I was really gone for though. It doesn't matter though. None of that matters because it's like it never happened. I can only focus on the future.

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