Chapter 7

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It had to have only been a couple of hours since I fell asleep before I woke up, completely unaware of why. I looked around my darkened room, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. Something was up though, not just the odd atmosphere, but the pole in my pants too. Why was I so hard? Then again, when am I not? I closed my eyes and concentrated, searching my mind for whatever may have caused it. There was only one image in my mind; Kellin. If I'm not mistaken, which I never am, he's being pleasured somehow. Being the demon of lust has its perks; I can always tell when my souls are having maybe a little too much fun. On the most part I ignored it and let them go about their business, or I'd find them and fuck them, but no, I wouldn't do either of those things to Kellin.

I teleported myself straight into the souls' room, right in front of Kellin's bed, only he wasn't there. Everyone else was there, all asleep but not Kellin. Where could that mischievous boy have run off to? I closed my eyes again and concentrated; that's when I heard the shower running. Oh? This should be interesting. I made myself go invisible because I didn't want Kellin to see me just yet, and then I teleported into the bathroom. And there Kellin was, standing near one of the corners, under the stream of the shower. The whole room was steamy so I knew it was hot. You know what else was hot? Kellin, standing there naked, water dripping off every inch of him, with his eyes closed, breathing heavily. His hand was wrapped around his dick and he was jerking it slowly. Light moans were escaping his delicate lips.

It took every morsel in my being to not go over there, smash him against the wall and fuck him so hard he won't be able to walk for days. But instead I stayed invisible, watching him, moving a bit closer until I was right up to where the water had pooled on the ground. I was a couple of feet away from him, just watching him. Back on Earth I would see him every time he did this. Usually it was on his bed, or even in his car after having a little fantasy about me while at college and not being able to wait until he got home. But a shower, oh, this was a rare occasion and personally one of my favorites. This was why I wouldn't fuck him right now; because I had loved this so much when he was human and damn it I love it even more now. This was something I liked about him; his sexual appetite. He wanted something all the time and that's why he connected with me instead of one of the other six demons when he was summoning us.

"Ugh." He moaned, picking up his pace. He was so sexually frustrated. I could tell by the urgency in his moans and how it seemed like he wanted to get himself off quickly. I realized I was possibly to blame for this. I hadn't even touched him in maybe a week or so. It was probably driving him insane to go from such pleasure to nothing.

"Oh please, faster Vic, faster." He whispered, taking a step back and leaning against the wall. Oh, now we have an interesting development. If only I could still get inside his head and see what exactly he's thinking about. It must have been good, whatever it was because his glorious dick was so hard...and wet...ugh, I need him! But no, I want to enjoy watching him, and I want to toy with him a little bit.

Kellin groaned and his hand went quicker. He bucked his hips and I knew he was getting closer. Just as his moans got that little bit louder, I used an old trick of mine and made it so he couldn't come. No matter what he did he wouldn't be able to climax unless I let him.

"Come on." He groaned in frustration and pumped his erection harder. He whimpered and opened his eyes, looking down at himself. He looked confused and well, unfulfilled, and just down-right fucking sexy. "W-why?" He whispered to himself. His other hand had gripped into a fist now and hit the wall behind him. "Fuck." Poor little sexually unsatisfied Kellin.

"You're in here, aren't you?" My little toy figured it out. I took this as an opportunity to show myself. He glared at me and stopped his work.

"Oh no, please don't stop on my account. Keep going." I urged him. When he hesitated I gave him a little nod and once again he started rubbing his member, slower than before. I took a step closer and he closed his eyes, seemingly ignoring me.

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