Chapter 10

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Vic's POV-

I sat on the edge of Kellin's bed, watching him sleep. I was coming to get him so I could fuck him, but when I saw he was still asleep I couldn't help but stop and watch. He was completely relaxed, his face peaceful, his bare chest rising up and down slowly. I don't know why I was so entranced by him. He seemed so angelic in this state, and to me that was wrong. I'm a demon. I shouldn't be so fixated on this innocent-looking boy, yet I found it happening this very morning. My body had a mind of its own as I subconsciously reached forward and brushed his messy hair away from his eyes. He frowned and I pulled my hand away instantly. Why was I doing this? I was captivated.

Kellin made a whimpering moan and shifted around. The single sound was enough snap me out of my trance and turn me back into the horny demon I rightfully am. I shook off the former thoughts as a whole lot of new thoughts entered my mind. As per normal I didn't care that the other souls were all watching me curiously. My hand slipped under the sheets and I palmed the front of Kellin's boxers to wake him up. I felt him getting hard and it wasn't long before he was waking up with a desperate moan. Fuck. I need him. I didn't wait for the disoriented boy to wake up properly. I took his hand and pulled him off the bed.

"What?" His voice croaked as he stumbled along behind me. I was thinking maybe a change of scenery for this morning's fun. Instead of taking him back to my room, I took him into the bathroom, which was empty. I waved my hand to shut the door behind us and with a click of my fingers it was locked. I turned to look at Kellin. He was rubbing his eyes and pouting at me for disturbing his slumber. What do humans call this? Cute? That's the word, isn't it? Yes, he was cute.

I stepped forward and picked him up easily, took him over to the bench and set him on it. I didn't say a word to him as I pulled his boxers down and off, hastily tossing them to the ground. I could have just made them disappear, but I found undressing him properly to be a lot more rewarding. I looked down at his growing member and took hold of it, stroking it.

"It's too early." He whined. I flinched at the complaint. Normally if a soul complained I'd rip out their tongue or at least duct tape their mouth shut. But with Kellin I just ignored it. I don't know why, but I did. I was growing too close to this boy. Sex. That's all I need him for. Just sex.

The boy relaxed against the mirror as I continued my assault. I guess he was used to this. He was used to me finding him at any time of the day and getting straight into this. The truth was, I was always going to him because if I didn't then what if he went back to Mike? I don't care if I lose him, but I don't want Mike taking him! I'd much sooner have Kellin banished than give him up to another demon. He's my property, no-one else's. It would make me look weak if another demon took him.

Kellin's soft moan brought me out of my thoughts and I looked at him to see him shaking and holding onto the edge of the bench tightly, breathing heavily. I stopped touching him. I didn't want him to come just yet. In a flash I made my pants disappear and Kellin didn't even have to be asked before he slid off the bench and dropped to his knees, taking me all in his mouth.

"That's a good boy." I said, running my fingers through his hair. He looked up at me with those big, blue eyes, innocently batting his eyelashes at me. That was something I admired about him. He could seem so innocent, yet I knew the truth. He wasn't pure at all.

I had to use the counter-top as support as Kellin continued bobbing his head up and down. I was throbbing in his mouth. Oh I have trained him well. He started going slower, flicking his tongue over the tip at an agonizing pace. He is so going to get it now... My lust took over and I grabbed a fistful of his hair, yanking him up so he was eye level with me. He licked his lips and bit his bottom one, his eyes darkening with desire. Fuck. I turned him around and pushed him into the counter-top, bending him over a little. I came up behind him, placing my hands on his hips. I could see his reflection in the mirror. Perfect. Now I'll be able to watch him while I do this.

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