Chapter 13

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At first when I woke up that morning I was confused. I was so confused because of two reasons. One, I slept through the entire night which was usually filled with souls' attempting to make deals with me. The constant nagging which I usually ignored anyway wasn't as prominent as it once was. The second reason was the boy in my bed with his arm draped over my stomach and his head rested on my shoulder. I've never woken up with someone here before. Why did I let Kellin stay? I don't know. I just wanted him to. This is wrong. I shouldn't be doing this! I'm a demon for fucks sake, not a creature to...cuddle with.

Kellin let out a deep sigh next to me. How did an angel like this get to a place like hell? This isn't right. That's all I could think about is how unnatural this is for me. I can't get attached... It's not right. So, I slowly inched away from him, trying to slip out of his hold. Why I didn't just transport him back to the soul's room, I don't know. Mostly because he looked so peaceful and I didn't want to wake him. Fuck. Why do I care? I went to pull away completely but he wrapped his arm around me tighter, pulling me back down. Damn it. For a second I considered getting up again but then I just...didn't. I couldn't deny that I liked the feeling of being in bed with him, even though it wasn't sex.

I turned to face him and wrap both of my arms around him. He groaned quietly then relaxed. I started thinking about the last time I almost got myself into this situation. Tony. I let him stay for maybe an hour before I snapped out of whatever idiotic trance I had about him and told him to leave. And leave he did. I didn't expect him to take it so far. But he did. He left. After weeks of me ignoring him he went off with Mike, and the same thing almost happened with Kellin. I made the stupid decision to get close to Tony and when he left I swore to myself that I would never get closer to a soul again, and it worked for thousands of years...and then Kellin came along.

No, no! This is ridiculous. I can't be developing these feelings. Feelings are for humans! I hastily pushed the sleeping boy's arm away from me and let go of him. I teleported over to the other side of the room, my back pressed against the wall. I don't understand what's happening to me. I've never felt like this before, not even with Tony. I don't like this. I have to stay away. I have to leave, no, he has to go.

I was still watching Kellin when he made a moaning sound and shifted around, resulting in the satin sheet falling down the top half of his naked body. He moaned again. Fuck. I flew over to him, stopping in my previous spot next to him. He was breathing heavier than before. I wonder what he's dreaming about. He turned his head away from me, leaving his neck exposed. My impulse told me to kiss it, so I did. I placed small kisses along his neck and down to his collarbone. I was getting turned on and I knew where this was leading. I'm the demon of lust. It's almost impossible for me to resist.

My pretty little Kellin stirred in his sleep. I wonder what it would take for him to wake up...


Waking up to a blow job definitely isn't the worse thing in the world. When I finally stirred from my sleep I felt that familiar warm feeling down below. I looked down to see Vic's head bobbing up and down. My whole body was tingling and I was getting harder by the second. I always felt so sensitive after just waking up.

"Fuck." I groaned, still half asleep. Vic stopped what he was doing, causing me to make a sound of frustration. "Don't stop." I pleaded.

"I thought that would wake you up." He said. He didn't continue though. He crawled up the bed and straddled me. That's when I noticed he was also completely naked. I couldn't resist reaching for his dick and stroking it slowly. He didn't protest, so I kept going. The demon above me smiled wickedly. He smiled...he wasn't mad about last night. I thought for sure he would have pushed me away, but no, here he is on top of me smiling. I wonder if he would freak out if I kissed him or if he's over whatever fear he has. I decided to test it out.

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