Chapter 6

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I have no idea how long I slept for, but when I woke up everyone was already up and chatting with each other. How they still had things to talk about after years of being locked up together, I don't know. My head was so cloudy right now. It took me a little while to collect my thoughts and remember what happened last night. I just felt so...I don't know...small...vulnerable, I'm not sure. My body had been pushed to the limits and there were times when it scared me, when I thought it was never going to end; and in those times I realized how much I don't like Vic. Like, why would he do that to people? Maybe it's because he lacks any type of human emotions so he doesn't know the kind of effect it has on us.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening, indicating that Vic was coming in the room. Everyone scrambled up from their beds and stood at the foot of them. I don't know what I was thinking, but I too scrambled up, but I didn't stop at the end of the bed. No, I ran away into the one large bathroom that Vic's souls shared. It was like a bathroom you'd find on a college campus or something like that. There was a wall lined with showers and the opposite wall was lined with sinks with cabinets underneath them filled with soaps and such.

I always found it strange how we needed a bathroom, I mean Vic could click his fingers and we would all be as clean as he wanted us. Jack had told me that Vic likes it if his souls stayed as normal as possible. Apparently the other deadly-sin-demons, whatever you call them, don't treat their souls in humane ways at all. Like I heard the souls of envy are all shackled up and never come out of their room, ever. I heard that wrath keeps his in torture devices. Jack thinks Vic keeps us as human as possible so our sexual appetite doesn't change or something like that.

"What are you doing?" Vic's voice came from behind me. I was expecting it though so it didn't surprise me or anything. I was facing the mirrors but looking down at the sinks.

"Look at me when I am talking to you." He said. He grabbed my hips and turned me around before pushing me back against the sink. I still didn't look at him. I didn't want to. I hated him. He made me look at him though. He held my chin and forced my head up. My gaze fell on his and he searched my eyes. For what I'm not sure.

"You're sad." He pointed out. "Why?" Unbelievable! Is he really that clueless about human emotions? He has had his own fucking pet humans since the beginning of time, you would think he would have figured it out by now.

"Because of what you did yesterday. You made me feel used. Humans don't like to feel used." I said.

"But I use you for sex all the time." He said, still genuinely confused. I wonder if he knows of any other emotion rather than anger and lust.

"It's different. You left me hanging for hours. It wasn't very fun." I said quietly. I diverted my eyes from him. He had an intense stare which scared me sometimes because I never knew what his next move was.

"You're still upset about that?" He asked and I nodded.

The next thing I know I was in his room. I looked around quickly because I was briefly startled at the quick change of environment. My eyes fell on his bed. It was covered with all kinds of objects. Whips, canes, and other painful looking devices. My stomach turned just looking at them. What is he going to do to me?

"They're not for you." He said and all the items disappeared. "I was coming to get Jaime before you ran off." I looked up at him in surprise, not because he was getting Jaime, but because he stopped whatever plans he had because I ran off and am upset. Did he care?

"Why?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I can't have one of my souls depressed. You get depressed you become less active in bed and I banish you and have to waste time finding another soul. It's all very draining work." He said with a roll of his eyes. Oh, that makes more sense than him actually caring about me, I guess. He just wants a happy little fucker (literally). I wasn't up for that right now though. I didn't want him near me.

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