Chapter 2

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I had said goodbye to my family, although they were confused as to why. I dropped out of college and told my friends that no matter what happened next I'd be fine; that confused them too. I sorted out my will, not that I had much to leave to my family anyway. Now I was ready for the Devil's son to come and take me from this world. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't upset to be leaving, but seeing my sister alive, happy and cancer-free gave me the reassurance that this was the right thing to do. So yes, I was upset, but on the other hand I had prepared myself all year for this and in a way I found myself wanting to leave, now that I know what's waiting for me. That night precisely one year ago was the best I had ever had and I spent all year wanting to relive it over and over again. Unfortunately levitation isn't normal in humans.

I sat on my bed, waiting for whatever was going to happen. Why my bed? Because all year in the back of my mind I had this fantasy where Vic would show up in the middle of the night in my bedroom and fuck me senseless, and now that I know he's going to show up tonight I can't help but at least pretend that my fantasy is about to come true. This is wrong though- thinking these things about someone so evil. Yet how could someone who could make me feel so food and also save my sisters life be so evil? He had to be though, that's pretty much in the job description.

I don't know how long I was sitting there for and maybe it was a bit pathetic to spend my last couple of hours alive sitting on my bed, but I didn't care. I just wanted it to happen already; whatever it was. Was he just going to appear again and take me back to hell, or was I going to somehow die and wake up there? I'm hoping the first one. And what will be left of me? Will there be a body for my family to bury or will I simply be declared as missing?

I was shaken from my thoughts when that familiar, unnatural gust of wind blew around my bedroom, pushing things over in the process. I stood up quickly, my eyes darting around the dimly lit room, searching for any sign of Vic.

"Boo." A voice came from behind me, making me jump. I turned around quickly to see him there in all of his devilish glory. He looked exactly the same as when I had first met him and was wearing the same tight red pants which really didn't leave a lot to the imagination. Here he was, not looking a day over 20, the boy who had captivated my every waking thought for the past year. The boy, or demon I guess, who I should probably hate, but instead I lust over.

In a flash he was closer to me, our chests pressed together. My eyes darted to his full lips which had a wicked grin on them.

"Hi." He said in his deep, yet still oddly high voice.

"Hi." I said back. Hi? The Devil's son is in front of me and I give him a casual hi?

He brought his dagger up to his lips and bit at the edge seductively. How biting a knife could be seductive, I don't know, but it was. The dagger was the same curvy-edged one he had last time.

"Why do you need that?" I asked, looking at the knife.

"Because." He paused and trailed the tip of the knife along my jaw. "I'm a mortal here. I can't do anything other than teleport. The dagger is a precaution in case I need to defend myself against unruly souls."

"Like possibly me?" I asked.

"No." He said with a chuckle. "You're too innocent, good, pure. You wouldn't hurt a fly."

Pure? I'm sure I haven't been too pure in the last year, especially with my sinful thoughts. How does he know these things about my personality anyway? He doesn't know me. I guess he will soon enough though, since I'm spending eternity with him. I wonder what that actually entails.

"Now what happens?" I questioned shakily.

"I'm glad you asked." He said cheerily. He raised one of his hands and clicked his fingers together. One second we were in my bedroom in Michigan and the next we were hundreds of feet up in sky standing on a ledge near a giant pole. That giant pole was just part of a massive bridge. I clung to it because of fear that I would fall. Cold wind was blowing against my face leaving me chilled to the bone. Looking around I saw city lights, below me were hundreds of cars zooming by going to and from the city.

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