Bonus Chapter

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4000 years later and I'm still just as turned on as I was when Vic first turned me into a demon. It's become a constant norm for me now, but I don't think I'd ever get used to it. It can be a burden at times. I miss sleeping. I long for the nights where I don't wake up every hour needing Vic to fuck me. I hate getting so sexually frustrated so quickly all day every day. It was like I was constantly insatiable.

Vic however absolutely loved this new me, well most of the time anyway. He loves how needy I am all the time. He loves how I would beg him to have sex with me. But then there were other times when he just got annoyed with me because he was busy. It was only recently that Satan decided to step down as king of hell. Thankfully Lucifer is still locked up in the deepest pits of hell so he can't take over. So now Vic and Mike, who apparently realized that he doesn't need to do everything his father says, take turns running things around here, which makes Vic much too busy to satisfy my every need so I'm left either fixing the problem myself or trying to hold out until he's not busy. Like right now was one of those times when I was holding out.

"He's leaving you hanging again, isn't he?" Jack asked. I was sitting at the table in the little cottage Jack now owned with his lover, Gabe, one of the souls who once belonged to the demon of Envy. It was amazing how down here was kind of like medieval Earth, only more fire and torturous screams of the damned.

"What makes you think that?" I asked. He raised his eyebrows at me. Okay, so I was sitting here gripping the chair and rocking back and forth with an obvious bulge in my black pants.

"I've known you for around 4000 years now, Kellin, I can tell by the look in your eyes when you're turned on." He said.

I groaned and put my head in my hands. "It's not fair. He's so busy all the time and he knows what I need. He knows this is killing me but he likes to mess around instead. I bet he's not even busy right now. He's probably taking his sweet time to fucking tease me." I was so beyond frustrated right now. It had been hours since we last fucked.

"That sucks." He said.

"That sucks? That's all you can say? Jack, you're usually the best at giving me advice. Tell me what to do." I said. He looked like he was thinking about it for a minute before he spoke up again.

"Okay, well I think that he just likes to be in control of you." He said.

"Well duh."

"Let me finish." He snapped and I shut my mouth. "He likes to be in control. He knows he's in control of you, so what you have to do is take charge. Demand that you get what you want. Be the dominate one for once."

I knew what he was talking about. He's just saying I should simply try and be controlling, like I should initiate and not take no for an answer, but there was something else that I've always wanted to try. I had suggested it to Vic a few times but he practically laughed in my face. If I'm going to dominate Vic like Jack is saying then I want to do it properly.

I want to top Vic.

"I'm going to top him." I told Jack. He looked at me in shock.

"You? Top Vic? Are you kidding me?" He asked.

"Nope, no jokes here. I'm going to top him, right now." I said, standing up. I was determined now. Nothing was going to stop this from happening.

"Kellin, come on, you can't be serious. Vic would never let you, you know that." He said.

"Like you said, I have to be controlling. I'll convince him, you just watch." I said. He gave me a disgusted look.

"Uh, no thanks. I'd rather not watch." He said.

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