Chapter 5

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It was agonizing to say the least. I lay on my bed with the hardest fucking stick in my boxer shorts and I couldn't do a thing about it. I could feel it throbbing just begging me to give it some sort of attention. My hands clutched at the sheets beneath me as I tried to resist touching myself. I fucking hate him! I hate him so much for doing this! I mean, I give him a hand job, he fucks me and he leaves me like this! What did I do to him other than try to pleasure him? This is so unfair.

"Stop it, dude!" A voice came from my left. It wasn't Jack, it was my other bed neighbor, Justin. I gave him a confused look and he just pointed towards my crotch. I looked down and saw my hand was rubbing my thigh. I stopped at once. I didn't even realize I had been doing it. Oh fuck, I'm so turned on right now. It's been like an hour or so since Vic left, it should have gone down by now.

"You're in for one painful night." Justin said.

"It'll stop soon." I said although I doubted myself. Justin scoffed in disbelief.

"No, this happened to me years ago. He does his fucking demon magic shit and keeps it there all night." He said. All night?! No, I could barely handle it for an hour! I groaned again, rolling onto my side and burying my head into the pillow.

"What did you even do to make him punish you like this?" Jack asked from my right. I rolled back onto my back and looked at him.

"I kind of gave him a hand job at the dinner thing." I said. Jack, Justin and a couple of others that were in hearing distance gasped in shock.

"Without his permission?" Jack asked and I nodded. He looked at me in astonishment. Is it really that big of a deal? I guess maybe it was to them. They had been here for years, centuries even and as far as I know, nobody has done something without Vic's permission. It was just unheard of to them. I suppose I should have been punished for doing what I did, or even banished, but still I couldn't help but feel that this was cruel. Because it was. It was tormenting and I couldn't take it anymore. I decided to once again take matters into my own hands and I got out of bed, storming over towards the door which connected the soul's room to Vic's.

"What do you think you're doing?" Jack called after me. I ignored him and stayed focused on my quest. I barged through the door which for some reason wasn't locked or anything; maybe because it was a rule that we were never allowed to leave so Vic thought we would simply stay put. I slammed the door shut, ignoring the others pleas for me to return. Vic's room was empty.

"Where the fuck are you, you bastard?!" I called out. This was definitely crossing over a line, but hey, I was desperate and horny. "Well, show yourself! I know you can hear me!" Okay, that I didn't know, but it doesn't hurt to be confident, right?

"Who said you could be in here?" His voice came from behind me. I spun around, almost running into his chest because he was close to me. His threatening eyes looked me up and down. I guess he wasn't too impressed that I was in here, but hey, I didn't care. I was here for one thing only.

"Fix this problem." I demanded. The corners of his lips twitched into a smirk and his once steely gaze turned into one of lust, like they usually did.

"What problem?" He asked, trailing one of his fingers down my neck and across my bare chest, making me shiver. This isn't helping the problem at all.

"This problem." I fumed and pointed to the very obvious bulge. Vic just smirked again, biting his bottom lip as his eyes fixated on my boner.

"Oh, you mean this problem?" He asked and without a word of warning he slipped his hand into my pants and ran it along my length, squeezing it. My breath caught in my throat and the touch made my whole body feel weak. He stroked it again and I gasped, involuntarily resting my head against his shoulder.

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