Chapter 8

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Kellin's POV-

I lost count of the days. There were so many of them and they were hard to keep track of when all I wanted to do was turn my brain off. I ignored all of my surroundings for the most part. I didn't think it was possible for someone to be depressed in the afterlife. Then again this doesn't really feel like the afterlife. I wonder how much of a let-down the afterlife is for Jack. He killed himself, obviously to get away from whatever depression or problem he had, and then he gets here only to realize that we still have all of the same emotions. We can still feel everything.

In my case I felt abandoned. I felt abandoned by Vic, just like I had last time he went a week without coming near me, only this time it was a lot longer, maybe a month or two. I quickly got over my lust for him and then accepted the fact that he didn't want me. He wanted Jaime all the time. He even came in for the others every now and again...Jack, Justin, Harry, Louis...and almost all of the others. He wanted all of them, but not me. Was it because I kissed him? Of course it was. That was when he got mad. That's when everything changed. That's when he started to avoid me. He wouldn't even look at me and even when I'd break a rule like not standing at the foot of my bed when he entered the room, he didn't do anything. He didn't even acknowledge my existence. I was surprised he hadn't just banished me yet.

It doesn't matter now anyway. He was the least that was on my mind. I had moved on to the point where all I desired was to be reunited with my family. I miss them more than words could possibly explain. I would give anything to see them again. But, it was my fault I'm here. I made the deal. It's my fault. So maybe I was being greedy by wanting to see them again so badly. I got my wish for my sister to be okay, but I still wanted more. I still wanted to see them.

I was rudely jarred by my thoughts when the sound of a door swinging open and banging against the wall echoed throughout the once quiet room. I stayed in my bed under the covers, curled up on my side, not willing to move. And even if I was willing to move I don't think I wouldn't have the energy. Vic walked straight past me, seemingly ignoring me. I wasn't watching him, but I knew where he was headed, and once they were gone and the room went back to normal I looked up to see Jaime's area empty. Of course. I think what hurt most right now was that Vic had said he doesn't like his souls to be depressed...yet here I am making no effort to hide that I'm not happy...and he doesn't even give a shit. But I can't think about that right now. My thoughts are too consumed with my family and how much I want to see them- to see how my sister is doing now that her cancer is gone. Do they even miss me?

"Kellin." A haunting whisper entered my thoughts. I sat up quickly, alarmed by the unfamiliar voice. No one was near me and no one was paying attention. "Kellin...follow my voice." It said again. Could no one else hear that? No one else even seemed to notice a change in my behaviour. "Kellin." I heard it again. It was getting distant now, like it was moving. "Kellin." It was definitely heading away. I felt entranced by this voice so I got up and followed its direction. It kept saying my name over and over again until I was led to the empty bathroom.

The second I shut the door behind me someone appeared in front of me, making me jump and almost scream, but I didn't. It took me a moment to place his face, but I recognized it as Mike, Vic's brother and the demon of Greed. Fear rose in me, but really I didn't care what happened to me at this point. What's the worst he could do? Kill me? Too late for that. Before I had a chance to ask what was going on, the room was spinning around me and I found myself in another room, a bedroom, much like Vic's, only a different color-scheme, purple instead of red, and there were a lot more things. Like Vic's walls were bare, these were covered in paintings. He had so many random objects, then again, this is the demon of greed after all. He must want it all.

"What do you want with me?" I asked. Surely he can't do this. He can't take another demon's soul can he? Well it just happened so obviously he can.

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