Chapter 16

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I pretty much threw myself at Vic, running up to him and throwing my arms around him and pressing my lip to his. The kiss was full of desperation and something different to the other times we had kissed. This one was full of love too. He caressed my face as we kissed and even moaned a little. The sound convinced me to pull him over to my bed and push him down on it. He pulled me down with him.

"Kell, we need to ta-" I cut him off with my lips again. The demon took control and flipped us over so he was on top. He pinned my wrists to the bed and looked at me.

"Can it wait? Whatever you have to say, can it please wait? I don't want to ruin this moment and I need you so bad right now." I said. I know we had a lot to talk about but all I wanted right now was him. His eyes softened and he looked at me with pure adoration, which was something I hadn't ever been looked at with before.

"I missed you." He muttered.

"I love you." I blurted out. He had said it out loud to me but I never got the chance to say it to him. He smiled down at me and shook his head.

"Enough of the sweet talk. You're already hard." He said and raised an eye brow. He slowly rocked himself against me. Butterflies spread through me from the action.

"Uh y-yeah. I had a dream." I admitted.

"Really? Tell me about it." He said. He leant in and placed kisses along my neck.

"Well, you just kind of appeared here in bed and you weren't talking. You just wanted to-" I gasped when his hand palmed the front of my boxers over and over again.

"I just wanted to what?" He whispered in my ear and lightly bit my ear lobe. His hand slipped into my boxers and he grabbed hold of my erection. I gasped once again, my breathing going heavy.

"F-fuck me." I stuttered. Vic looked at me, his eyes darkening with lust. His pace quickened on my hard-on. I found myself thrusting upwards to the movements. Oh God I need this so badly. I was so turned on.

"Is that what I wanted or is that what you want right now?" He asked.

"Both. Oh please Vic I need this." I breathed. With my hand which wasn't being held by Vic, I trailed down his chest and to his red pants. I caressed him, noting that he was now just as hard as I was.

"You know me, I'd never say no to an attractive boy begging me for sex." He said. He continued to stroke me as he kissed my neck. All of my skin was burning from his touch. With his free hand he managed to pull my shirt over my head and toss it to the floor.

"Take your pants off." I ordered. I could never get them off. He stopped touching me and stood up quickly so he could pull them down and leave them in a crumpled up heap on the ground. He was back on top of me almost instantly and was tugging my boxers down.

"Not as good as the satin ones, right?" He teased.

"Definitely not." I said. Once my boxers were gone he pressed our lower halves together and grinded against me, pressing our erections together in between our stomachs. I whined because I needed more. I mean this was great, but I needed so much more from him. I moved my hips in time with his causing him to groan and move faster.

"Oh fuck, oh f-fuck. Ah Vic." I gasped.

"You like that, huh?" He asked and never gave up his pace. Oh fuck I was about to come if he didn't stop soon.

"Fuck me. Please." I pleaded. He chuckled but I knew he was as turned on as I was, he just wasn't being as vocal about it.

"Lube?" He asked.

"Uh, I don't- I d-, oh fuck Vic stop moving." I gasped. He did as he was told and I could finally think straight without him pleasuring me, even though my dick was still throbbing like crazy.

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