Chapter 4

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Has it been five days since I've been here? I'm not entirely sure, but it feels like it. The days here are different; they're strange. They seem shorter and the nights seem longer. Sometimes the nights appear to take 24 hours and the days only take a few. Other days it was the other way around. It was truly confusing. It didn't help that I had been in this room the whole time either. The "souls", as we've been called, only get to leave when Vic requests it. That guy, Jaime, he gets summoned by Vic around twice a day and no one else does. I was going insane here. How was I supposed to make him fall in love with me if he's acting as though I don't exist? Am I just another soul?

"How come he doesn't love Jaime?" I asked Jack quietly. We were sitting on his bed, facing each other and talking, because there wasn't anything else to do. We were given no form of entertainment because it's hell; we're supposed to suffer. Sure, it's not as bad as being one of the common souls whose screams are heard throughout the day and night, but honestly sometimes I think I'd rather be one of the tortured ones because at least then I wouldn't be bored out of my mind.

"We don't know. Jaime does everything Vic asks of him and he doesn't complain about it. We all do exactly what Vic wants but it isn't enough to make him fall in love. We're stuck. I've come to the conclusion that it's impossible." He said. I didn't say anything. I hugged my knees to my chest and rested my chin on them. I didn't want to think about what Jack was saying. I didn't want to accept that the devil's son, or demon or whatever he calls himself is incapable of love. I've had this glimmer of hope that I could be reunited with my family and friends and I didn't want to give up on that yet.

An idea popped into my head. Actually it didn't just pop in my head now, I had sort of been thinking about it for a little while, but after what Jack had just said, the idea was now implemented in the fore-front of my mind. If Jaime does everything that Vic wants and hasn't made him fall in love, then maybe I should try doing the opposite. I'm not talking about being completely rebellious because I don't want to be banished, but maybe mixing it up a little couldn't hurt. Maybe I should make the first move instead of him. I'm sure no one has ever done that before. Or maybe I should kiss him, even though Jack warned me about that. I could gradually disobey him and do things that surprise him and maybe he'll like me for that because it's different. It's a long shot, but it's worth a try I guess.

"Good evening." A devilish voice came out of nowhere and a second later Vic was laying on the bed in between Jack and I, his hands behind his head, looking completely relaxed wearing nothing but his trademark tight red pants. Immediately everyone scrambled up from their spots and stood in formation at the end of their beds like they did every time Vic would enter the room. I stayed put this time though, testing out my new ideas. Vic raised his eyebrows at me curiously, I still didn't budge. This was actually the first he's been in here all day. He didn't call upon Jaime or anyone else this morning.

"You." He said, sitting up on his knees in front of me in a flash. "You're coming with me." I didn't have a spare second to register his request because a moment later we were in a different room. I went from sitting to standing so quickly my legs didn't get the memo and I fell to the stone floor. Looking up from the ground I noticed we were in some sort of hallway. The walls were all made of stone, just like the floor. It was like a hallway that led to some sort of a dungeon that you would see in a horror movie. Vic grasped onto my arm and pulled me up roughly, pushing me against the wall.

"I want no funny business from you tonight, okay? You behave yourself and only speak when spoken to by another demon, and stay calm, got it?" He asked forcefully. His usual seductive demeanor was gone and I barely recognized this person with a face of steel, showing no emotion other then...hatred? Evil? Whatever it was, he was trying to be tough and hiding who he actually was; a playful, forever horny demon.

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