Chapter 9

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In the week or so that had followed since the Mike incident, Vic had barely left me alone. Morning, night time, whenever and wherever, he'd take me to his room and have his devilish way with me. Like right now; I'm tied by chains up against his wall with my legs wrapped around his waist and he's pounding into me, making me scream out his name over and over again.

"Don't stop, Vic!" I cried as I was overcome by pleasure. Of course, that bastard did stop. He stopped moving, leaving me to whimper in protest.

"What's the magic word?" He asked teasingly.

"Now!" I practically shouted at him. I hated when he did this. I absolutely hated it. He'd bring me to the brink only to stop at the last second. He loved to torment me. He gave me a look, telling me that wasn't the right word. "Please." I sighed.

"That's a good boy." He said and continued his quick pace. I had to bite my tongue to keep from screaming any louder than I already had been. The other souls' were starting to get annoyed with how much attention Vic was giving me so I didn't want to show off by letting them know how good this felt.

"Ugh! C-close." I groaned. He went even faster, if possible, and wrapped his hand around my dick, jerking it. "Yes." I gasped. Pleasure burst through my veins all at once and I was spilling into his hand. He kept slamming into me for a few more minutes until he too was climaxing. He was looking me straight in the eyes and his breath was tickling my lips, but like always when we had an "about-to-kiss" moment, he buried his face into my neck and kissed that instead.

He pulled out of me and stepped away, letting my feet fall to the ground. We were both breathing so heavily, both of us happy with how that turned out. He went to walk away but I rattled the chains which were holding my wrists captive, and he turned back around as if just remembering I was still tied up.

"Oh, right." He muttered and came back over to me. He could have used magic to undo them, but I've found out he likes to be a lot more hands on. He pressed his body against mine, smirking at my gasp for a reaction, and undid both of the chains. I let my arms weakly fall to the side. I always felt so weak after our sessions. I'd shakily tried to walk away, but lately I've always ended up collapsing onto his bed for a few minutes to compose myself, which is exactly what I was doing right now.

"You can leave now." He said, throwing my boxers at me. I grabbed them off of my stomach where they had landed and slipped them on, but still not moving from my laying down position. I wasn't going to leave though, not just yet. I watched his now clothed (except for the top half of course) body walk over to his wall of goodies. He waved his hand, closing it. We had used ropes earlier, that's why it had been open.

Now that we've both been satisfied, my thoughts started wandering to the reason I barged into his room this morning. The one thing that bothered me was that he hadn't taken me to see my family, and every day I'd ask him about it, but every day he would distract me with sex and then tell me to leave straight after.

"Vic.." I started, my voice sounding a tad whiny.

"Kellin." He mocked the tone. I sat up so I could look at him better. He was looking right back at me with his arms crossed. He knew what was coming next.

"My family..." I said, and he sighed dropping his arms and walking closer to me. Why wouldn't he do this for me? He said he would! And I've been patient for the past week but enough is enough. Where I come from, if you make a promise, you keep it.

"I told you, one day." He said. He says this every day, but what I don't get is that last week he said he'd take me to see them 'tomorrow', but he didn't. He could have taken me at any time, but he never did. Why wasn't he taking me?

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