Chapter 12

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"You're going to have to talk to me sometime. We're here for eternity, remember?" Jack pleaded with me once again. I had been back in this room for maybe two hours and he's the only person to approach me, but I honestly didn't want to communicate with him. I considered him a friend and he just stood by while I got thrown out of a fucking window.

"Just leave him alone, Jack. He has the right to be pissed at us. If it were me I'd do the same." Max, one of the other fourteen souls to survive Vic's mass banishing, said in his English accent. I sat on my bed staring at the wall across from me. I had bit my tongue so far but I knew I was getting close to giving in. I wasn't usually one to give people the cold shoulder, especially when they're trying so hard to apologize.

"Please, Kellin. You're my best friend in here." Jack said. I turned and gave him an incredulous look.

"Friend? Friends don't watch other friends get beaten up and thrown out of a window. I don't know what it was like in the fucking 15th century or wherever the hell you're from, but where I'm from friends look out for each other." I said.

"I know, I know and I'm sorry." He lowered his voice so the others knew they weren't welcome in our conversation. The few that had bothered enough to pay attention to us, went back to their previous tasks of well...nothing really. There's not a lot to do here but that's beside the point. I sighed and swung my legs off the side of the bed so I was sitting up and looking at Jack.

"Why didn't you help me?" I asked softly. I was truly hurt and actually really want an explanation. A sort of pained expression crossed Jack's face.

"I just froze." He said.

"Yeah well while you were frozen I had ten people, some who I thought were my friends, beat the fucking shit out of me. Do you know how that feels?!" I asked, my anger escalating quickly.

"Yes." He said, shocking me. It was then that I realized I hadn't really asked about Jack's past. I knew nothing about him really. Not even why he sold his soul to Vic. All I knew is that he killed himself.

"Jack, how did you end up here?" I asked curiously.

He sighed and was silent for a little while and for a second there I thought he wasn't going to tell me, but then he started speaking. "My deal with Vic, uh, well first of all, uhm, my father and uncles were abusive towards me and my brother. Like really abusive. They used to hurt him more than me though and every time I tried to step in they would, uh, hurt me, like a lot. And that's why I didn't step in. It just reminded me too much of that time and I'm sorry."

I nodded in understanding. I guess that's a good excuse, even though I'm still kind of pissed off. "Keep going." I urged.

"Uh well, long story short originally I made a deal with Vic to make them stop hurting us, but Vic said I could only choose either myself or my brother to be free of the abuse, and of course I chose my brother. After that I couldn't handle the abuse on my own so I..." He trailed of and looked at the ground, unable to finish the sentence.

"Oh, I, um, I'm sorry." I said quietly. I never really know what to say when someone tells me something shocking.

"No, it's okay. It happened a long time ago. But I hope that explains why I didn't help you." He said, looking up at me again. I nodded my head quickly.

"Yeah, I get it. Everything worked out anyway so it's okay." I said. I was going to say more, maybe comfort him a little, but the atmosphere suddenly changed in the room as Vic made an appearance. The souls quickly jumped into action and stood at the end of their beds. Unlike most days where I was trying to be rebellious, I actually stood up too this time. I guess I was scared that the others might hurt me if I kept being different. So I stood at the end of my bed and looked up at Vic who was strolling down the aisle without a care in the world. When he saw me standing there he gave me a curious look.

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