Chapter 17

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Kellin's eyes were wide as he looked back at me. Blood spluttered from his mouth before his body, along with me holding it, slumped to the ground lifelessly. I shakily cradled the young, dead, man in my arms. I couldn't believe I just did that. I mean, it had to be done, but now that I had officially killed him it was all becoming so real. I kept telling myself it was the only way. I couldn't bring a human back to hell, but there were no rules about a lifeless body.

Ten minutes, Satan's voice from earlier was echoing in my head. I had ten minutes to get on with this before Kellin's soul joins the other common souls in the depths of hell. I wasted no time in teleporting us back into Satan's headquarters. He was waiting for me just like he said he would.

"Give me his heart." He said as he immediately knelt next to me. I looked at the red clump of an organ that was still in my hand before giving it to him. He took it and placed it on the ground before a knife appeared in his hand. He cut the heart open down the middle.

"Give me your hand." He said quickly. Were we running out of time? I thrust my hand towards him and he took it. He sliced my hand sending little waves of pain through me, but I didn't care. He held it over the heart and let my blood drip into it.

"Are you sure this will work?" I asked. Satan looked up at me with an unsure expression. He said he fucking knew what to do! If he made me kill Kellin for no reason then I will personally make it my mission to destroy him.

"I've only done it once before and it worked then. I don't see why it wouldn't work now." He said and let go off my hand. I looked at it, watching the scar quickly heal over. I looked back up at what Satan was doing. He picked up the heart and placed it back inside Kellin's chest. He then put both of his hands over it, closed his eyes and started chanting. I guess it was all part of the process. The language he spoke was something that was around before even I existed, so that is a long time. While he was doing his thing I looked at Kellin's perfect, flawless face. I reached forward to wipe the blood off of his lips and chin. Even dead he still looked absolutely beautiful. My Kellin...the boy who managed to break through my walls and find a way into my own heart. I had never known what love was, but the second I experienced it I knew it.

"Done." Satan interrupted my thoughts. I looked at him and back to Kellin who still wasn't moving or breathing.

"What do you mean done? Why isn't he waking up?" I asked.

"It takes a litt-" He stopped mid-sentence. I knew why too because I could hear it; the sounds of Lucifer and Mike on their rampage to find me. They must have finally sensed me here or something, I don't know, but they were on their way. I looked up at Satan only to see that he had disappeared, clearly too afraid to fight Lucifer. I stood up quickly and turned towards the door, making a defensive stance in front of Kellin's still lifeless body.

They were here and boy did they make it known that they were. They burst through the door and stopped in their tracks when they saw the scene before them.

"Leave us alone!" I growled at the two of them. "This doesn't have to be this way. There's no reason to fight. You leave us alone and we'll leave you alone." I was giving them one last chance. I couldn't give a fuck who runs hell. I just want Kellin back, that's it. Judging by the look on my father's face he wasn't buying it.

"Hand the boy over!" He roared.

"No!" I screamed back straight away. "Stay away from him! I won't let you take him from me again." I was practically on fire right now. I was filled with rage and there was a protective glow surrounding me. There was no way I was letting them go anywhere near Kellin.

"Mike." My father uttered. Mike leapt towards me, but with a wave of my hand he was stopped and thrown across the other side of the room. I didn't feel any stronger with Kellin here. I was supposed to, but I didn't. I could only control Mike's actions because he wasn't expecting it. Almost immediately he was back up and flying towards me. This time my powers had no effect on him and I was being flung across the other side of the room away from Kellin. Mike had me held against a wall, his hands encircling my throat. I watched my father cross the room slowly towards Kellin.

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