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I snapped back to reality when she started snapping her fingers ,I slapped my cheeks and then she raised her right eyebrow and simply responded. "Joohyun"she said.
-MEANWHILE MY HEAD- Joohyun😍 Joohyun you are so pretty Joohyun,I'm so lucky to sit with you. "What's your full name?" I asked cutely. "Bae Joohyun" she responded not looking at me. "Bae Joohyun"I said looking and smiling at her "You're really beautiful"I said as I rested my head on the desk looking at her,she didn't respond she was busy taking notes. "예쁘다" I whispered once again,this time she turned at me. "Can you be quiet I'm trying to focus here"she said a little annoyed.
"Sure☺️" I said smiling at her and then someone whispered my name,I turned to see who it was.
"Hey Seulgi" a girl in the second row said.
"Oh Hi there"I smiled at her.
"Seungwan,you can call me Wendy tho.So are you going to have lunch with me Joy and Yeri?"
"Sure Wendy☺️" I smiled at the girl.

-Fast Forward-
It was finally lunch time,me Joy,Yeri and Wendy were at the cafeteria,everyone was eating and they were having a hot conversation,while I was wondering where Joohyun could be.I was looking around but nope she was nowhere to be found. Someone tapped my shoulder and startled me.
"Are you okay Seul? Are you looking for someone?"Wendy asked me worried while the others looked at me with a worry face.
"Ah no no I'm fine,sorry😅" I giggled "So what are you guys talking about?" I put my attention to them.
"Love life"Yeri said with a smirk.
"Yeri thats not for you to say"Wendy and Joy said at the same time laughing at her.
"Why not?"she asked confused.
"Because Yeri,you are just a kid"Joy said as she ran away laughing.
"YAH YOU LIL-"Yeri chase Joy.
It was so funny to see those kids joking around like that.
"Seriously,how old are they?"I asked Wendy giggling.
"Well,Joy is 2 years older than her,but she still acts like a child" Wendy said laughing so hard looking at Joy and Yeri.
"How old are you Wendy-unnie?"I asked her with a cute smile.
"Oh,I'm 16😅,how old are you unnie?"Wendy asked looking at me smiling widely.
"Omo Omo we are the same age😃"I said smiling at her.
"Oh 진짜?.....That's great😀 so no need to call me unnie then😅 just call me-"
"Wen-ah"I interrupted
"Wen-ah?"she asked confused.
"Yes,It really suits you" i said smiling,I don't know how I came up with this nickname.
"S-sure"she said blushing.
"Omo Omo are you blushing"I teased her.
"N-no I'm n-not" she said as she hid her face.
"Aaaawwwwe so cutee>_<"I said giggling as I parted her hands away from her face. "You don't need to be shy,Wan-ah,I am just joking"I said giggling.
"WENDY AND SEULGI,WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING??"Joy asked with her hands crossed staying in front of us.
"Isn't it obvious? They are making out"Yeri said laughing so hard.
"EH WHAT?? NO ITS NOT LIKE THAT!!" We yelled at them.
"Yeah yeah sure,muah muah😂😂😂" Joy and Yeri started teasing us.
"AISH YOU TWO!!!" Wendy stood up from the chair and chase them.I couldn't help but laugh at them,their childish actions. Then my mind flew away once again.My laugh disappeared in just a matter of seconds,when a figure appeared in front of me.I saw her finally,the Goddess is back.She was just going to "The Study Block"she was holding some books,I couldn't help but stare at her and smile like dumb."My My how can someone be so beautiful even when they're just walking" Someone snapped me back to reality waving her hand and shouting in front of me.
"Eh?erm....what?" I blinked rapidly making a weird face.
"What are you looking at?"she turned around to see Joohyun. "Ooooo Hyuniee~~~You like her?" Here's Yeri teasing me again,but yeah this time she was right.
"I...."I hid my face blushing really hard and couldn't say a word.
"YAH KEEP IT DOWN!! SHE'LL HEAR YOU!!" I whispered at her.
"Ooomooo is it true??"teaser n.o 2 Sooyoung.
I just took a sip of my drink,then I heard Yeri saying"Why don't you guys go out?" I spilled it out."WHAT??" I shouted at her.
"Seul you alright?"Wendy asked patting my back. "Yeah I'm okay." There is Joy and Yeri teasing me again.
"Yah,do you even know how to drink ewww"
(Well you should keep your mouth shut)
-oh shut up authornim,just continue.
"Yah will you two ever grow up a little?"Wendy said giggling.
"We are grown enough ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"

-fast forward-
The final bell rang and the class was over,Joohyun was about to step out but I stopped her by grabbing her wrist "Wait,can we be friends?"I asked smiling at her shyly.
She looked at me with a "You're weird look" "what for?"she asked with no expression in her face. "Well,I really want to get to know you Joohyun-unnie" I smiled widely.
She took my hand away from her "I don't need weird friends,now I need to go,you're wasting my time"she said coldly looking at me with no expression in her face then left,leaving me heartbroken. I felt someone touching my shoulder.
"Don't worry Seul,I'll help you"Wendy said smiling at me.
"Count us in too!☺️" Joy and Yeri said smiling at me. "R-really?" I asked them with a excited face.
"Yeah what are friends for?" They all said in the same time. "So yeah,our mission ,get Seulgi's crush to notice her" Wendy said smiling. "YES YES YES" they yelled which made me giggle.
"Thank you guys so much"I began to tear up,cause I was hurt of Joohyun's words. "Awww don't cry unnie~~~"the other thing I felt was a warm hug from them.

What will happen next?

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