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Joohyun's POV
"Shit,I hope she didn't notice me" I shook my head and then I heard Seulgi's voice calling my name,I turned my head and saw her running towards my direction,I froze.
She approached me and she smiled
"Hey I wanna give you something" she said and pulled out a headband.
"Here,do you like this?" She asked with a huge bright smile upon her face,she looked so happy but, why? Why is she like this so suddenly? After all those things I said...she is still happy to see me.
"Fo-for me?" I asked with a sad face and she nodded rapidly.
She put the headband on my head and rubbed her neck
"Lo-looks so good on you" she stuttered.
"Why? Why are you like this? Just let me go already"
"Why?" Was all I could say
"Why? Easy. It's because I love you" she said with a really cute smile,and making my heart beat even faster.
"Baechu-shi are you thirsty?" She touched my forehead "You don't look well"she came closer to my face,I gulped "Hey...your eyes are kinda red,lemme tell the teac-" I cought her sleeve "Seulgi-yah,stop,Please!"
I begged as I was trying to hold back my tears.
"But Baechu you're sick" I shook my head
"Why? Why are you doing this?" My tears now were about to come out
"I told you because I Love You Hyunie.I Love You So Much" with that my tears were now coming slowly out,she noticed and her eyes were widen,she grabbed my hand and pulled me with her,in a hall there was no one around" "Hey Noo don't cry please,Hyunie" she started to wipe my tears away with her sleeve.
"Seulgi-yah why? After all I said to you,after all of those terrible things I did to you,how can you not hate me for that?" she looked into my eyes and smiled
"Because Baechu,I can't hate someone I love" she said and hugged me,I was shocked.
"Baechu I don't care how much you hurt me,I still love you,I still will" she said.
This time I smiled "Thank you Seulgi-yah"
"For the gift? Sure Baechu"she smiled back
"No not for the gift only,for everything"
her smile became wider.
"Hehehe okay let's get you something to drink now" she said shyly,and helped me to stand up.
"So what would you like to drink?"she asked me cutely
"I.......a lemonade" I responded
"Lemonade,great,let's get you a lemonade then"she grabbed my hand and we went to buy drinks.
"My treat"
"What? Nope no way"
"Please"I begged.
"No Baechu,I don't wanna see your wallet" she said and grabbed my wallet and put it in my pocket
"Bu-but Seul..please I want to do something for you too" I begged.
She smiled widely."No Baechu,you're right here with me,that makes me happy"
"B-but Seulgi-yah"
"Here" she handed the lemonade to me and smiled happily.
"Let's sit on that bench there"she said and I nodded.


Seulgi's POV
"He-hey" she stuttered,I giggled
"Ye-" she cut me off again
"Seulgi-yah I think I-"she was cut off by Wanda who shouted our names.
She jumped a little I think she got startled "She is so cute>~<"
"Hey you two where have you been?"
she asked and seemed confused a little.
"Just around" I answered calmly.
"But you guys have been hanging around alone,why aren't you coming with us,stay with the class" she said,that's when Joohyunie stood up.
"Seulgi-yah,I need to go now,text me" she whispered in my ear,I didn't want her to leave so I grabbed her wrist "Wait!"
"Yes?"she looked at me
"You wanted to tell me something,what was it?" I let go of her wrist and held her waist not noticing or knowing what I was doing.
"Seul I-"
"Guyyyysssss~~~~" Wanda interrupted us.
"Let's talk about this later okay?" she then walked away.
"Where is she going?"Wanda looked confused

-fast forward-
I'm here sitting with Seungwanie and two men,my mind's on Joohyunie

"Seulgi-yah I think I-" what was that she wanted to tell me,aghhhh I'm going crazy.
I looked at my phone
"Seulgi-yah,I need to go now,text me"
"Let's talk about this later okay?"
-end of flashback-
Man it's been 2 hrs already,and I still don't know where Baechu is,one thing I wanna know is that thing she had to tell me,she looked like,she was blushing? Ahh man I wanna know!
"Omg omg omg she told me to text her and I've forgotten"I grabbed it and texted Baechu-shi.

Hey Baechu where are you? You know I'm kinda worried here....

-sent 15:34-
-seen 15:40-

Baechu 호감❤️:
Seul,look behind you

As I was told by her I turned around and she was with the other class,she smiled,I smiled back and waved at her "My love it makes me happier to see you smiling"
Then I am back to my imagination world.
Back to reality,Joohyun is calling me.When I say she is calling me,I don't mean she's calling me from the distance,shouting out my name nope what I mean is that she was calling me on the phone.I answered.
"Seulgi now!"she seemed angry,I gulped and looked at her.
"Wha-what do you-"she cut me off again.
"I said now!!! Move" she said in a mad tone and ran away from the class,I made sure no one saw me,and gladly it was a breaky timey,and chase her.
"Come here" she said and I walked towards her.We both hung up.I looked at her she was shaking,and her face was kinda red.
"What is it? You okay? You're face is all red did you catch a cold if so I-"she grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes,I felt it I was blushing.
"Seulgi-yah i'm fine okay?"she calmly said
"But Baechu it don't seem like that"I worriedly said
"Look at you,all-"
"Shush please"she hugged me "You're so warm" she said "Can we stay like this for a bit?"she asked
I couldn't help but blush even more,I hugged her back "Sure" I said.
"Baechu-shi you're freezing shoul I ge-"
"Seul" she stopped hugging me,she was now looking into my eyes,she grabbed my collar and pulled me into a kiss,I loved it.
After some seconds she pulled away "Bae-"
"Seulgi-yah"she cut me off,"Remember when you saved my necklace?"
"Oh my God I'm so sorry Joohyun unnie" the girl apologized.
"Looks like I'm going for a dive" I said and they turned to me,I prepared myself and jumped to get it.
"Here unnie I got-"I got cut off when she ran and hugged me.
"You dummy never do that again!!!"she yelled at me.
-end of flashback-
"Yeah I do"
"That meant a lot to me,you have no idea how much,this was the very last thing I got from mom before she left and this necklace is very important to me,I can't lose it for anything,if it wasn't for you...I would have lost it"she smiled at me.
"Thank you Seul,here,I want you to keep this,please don't lose it"
My jaw dropped "N-no Baechu I can't that's yours and it-
I looked down at her and just nodded.
She smiled and she put it on for me,I blushed.
"I promise to never lose it and keep it safe" I said with a wide smile on my face.
"That's what I wanted to hear" she said and kissed my cheek,I blushed like a tomato.
"Yeah that was another gift I got from the love of my life,I will do whatever it takes to protect this necklace!"


A/N:Back after 726493 years,sorry loves I know is been a lot >~<
I hope you enjoyed this update kekeke^=^..

Seulgi's jealousy hits on the next chapter!!!
She's mean to everyone except.....

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